Descripción de la Exposición
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané presents a range of new and existing works. Through a new immersive installation, architectural interventions, a 16mm film and a virtual reality work, the Rio-based Catalan artist conveys aspects of the Mata Atlântica, a biodiverse and geopolitically dense rainforest stretching along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Through employing diverse mediums and technologies, Steegmann Mangrané provides a study into how environments can be portrayed, and in doing so, highlights the impossibilities of representation.
The exhibition presents two new commissions, including a sculptural installation filling the entirety of one gallery, which brings epiphytes, or air plants, from the rainforest into the space. Another new site-specific installation modifies the gallery’s ceiling to imitate the glints of light penetrating the forest canopy. The exhibition features existing work, including the video work 16mm (2009–11), in which a camera tracks into the depths of the rainforest at the same pace as the footage roll, linking the film and the rainforest both mechanically and conceptually. Phantom (kingdom of all the animals and all the beasts is my name) (2015) offers an immersive experience of the Mata Atlântica, through a VR experience in the gallery, where visitors can explore the rendered environment through their invisible body. Looking to indigenous cultures and the radical anthropology of the Brazilian scholar Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Steegmann Mangrané is interested in collapsing the distinction between nature and culture.
Premio. 27 ene de 2025 - 10 mar de 2025 / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España
Exposición. 28 feb de 2025 - 08 jun de 2025 / Fundación Juan March / Madrid, España
Lo tienes que ver. La autonomía del color en el arte abstracto
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España