Descripción del Premio
What about postindustrial? The future of nature in co-existence with “post-industrialized” landscapes
Call for Dutch artists to apply at PACA residency in Spain
This three-week research residency is supported by the Dutch embassy, deadline August 25!!! 10 more days! last call
PACA is a space for interdisciplinary contemporary art projects based in a traditional farmhouse (casería) near the city of Gijón, on the coast of Asturias, Spain. The residence is in a creative, dense, fragile, and complex environment in which traditional agriculture, architecture and landscape coexist alongside heavily industrialized areas (Gijón´s city center is 15 km away). Asturias is located in the north-western region of Spain that is known for its spectacular coastal area, lush green mountains and medieval architecture.
The central area of Asturias has also been intensely industrialized since the end of the 19th century and today a highly polluting industry based on coal continues (steel, thermal power plants, industrial port with import of coal and open-air storage), in an attempt to transition towards less polluting industrial models and less dependent on fossil energies…
With on the one side the physical presence of heavily polluting industries and on the other hand a fragile rural space, the area in which the residence is located, is one of great contrasts.
The way in which these opposite forces (economical development and a real sustainability in terms of social, mental and environmental ecology) find a way to coexist, will dictate the struggle and future of the area. This investigation is aimed at exploring what the future of the co-existence between nature and this “post-industrialized” area can look like through a symbolic and artistic representation. What are the elements that impact the relationship between nature and urban spaces? How do humans behave in these spaces, or influence the relationship between them? What does the tension between these spaces feel or look like? How is the post-industrial concept being used, what realities does it want to represent? What space is left for new forms of social organization and alternative economic development, for other small-scale, mixed and local agriculture? What thoughts, sensibilities and aesthetics are we composing and how do they relate to reality? What tangible practices are there? What role do the arts play in the composition of worlds? What responsibilities and commitments must we assume?
This program offers a 3-week residency from the 26th of September till the 15th of October at the PACA residence near Gijón, Asturias (see website reference below). During the stay, the artist will carry out an artistic investigation project.
Afterwards, the artist will have a production phase back in the Netherlands of a period of 3-4 months with the research collected throughout the stay in Asturias.
-The result of the artistic research carried out during the artistic residency must result in a material work (documents and/or objects) that can be presented physically by the artist at 2025 (place and date to be specified).
Any artistic discipline can be presented.
-Costs of the stay for the 3 weeks at the artistic residence will be covered (accommodation, pick up, working space, support). In addition, an artistic fee of 850€ will be granted together with an allowance for diets for the 3 weeks (1.000€), for the roundtrip to Asturias (250€ per roundtrip) and local public transport (100€).
-The applicant must have the Dutch nationality.
-Procedures for permits, medical insurance, etc, to be covered by the artist.
-The name of the Artistic Residence PACA must appear in the credits.
Application deadline: 25 August 2024
Please email with a document in PDF format (max. 2.5Mb) with NAME-POSTINDUSTRIALRESIDENCY as the subject of the email. Please include the following information:
Contact information (name, surname, address, email, phone number, date of birth, nationality, place of birth). ID/passport number. Brief motivational letter. Portfolio. A description of the project in mind and detailing what material will be used. CV/Short bibliography or statement (500 words max).
Jury composition and selection criteria:
Applications will be assessed by a three-member jury: Erik Wong, editor, teacher at Gerrit Rietveld Academy and storyteller. Co-curator with Sophie Krier of “In search of the pluriverse”. Sophie Krier artist and researcher. Virginia López, artist, educator and art director of PACA.
According to the following criteria: The consistency with the proposed residency project and with the artist’s career.Quality and creativity of the project and/or portfolio.Feasibility and level of adequacy with the means and workspaces at PACA’s disposal.
The final decision will be announced on 31 August 2024.
More information: pacaproyectosartí
**Esta nueva convocatoria de residencia artística en PACA es posible gracias a la Embajada de los Países Bajos en España en colaboración con DutchInstitute y Transartists. Otras miradas, procesos comunes.
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