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Contemporary Dilemmas: Eternal Displacements

Exposición / Rofa Projects - Gaithersburg / 361 Main St / Gaithersburg, Maryland, Estados Unidos
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27 may de 2023 - 15 jul de 2023

27 may de 2023

De jueves a viernes de 12 a 18 h., sábado de 10 a 19 h.

Organizada por:
Rofa Projects

Artistas participantes:
Angel Poyón Cali, Fernando Poyón, Irene Clouthier, Lester Rodriguez, Muriel Hasbun, Santiago Vélez


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Descripción de la Exposición

Artists: Ángel Poyón, Fernando Poyón, Houda Terjuman, Irene Clouthier, Lester Rodríguez, Muriel Hasbun & Santiago Velez "Contemporary Dilemmas: Eternal Displacements" is an exhibition that delves into the issue of migration as a key feature of our times and its consequences, seen through the artistic lens of migrant artists. Through different artistic approaches ranging from installation to painting, photography and sculpture, the exhibition invites viewers to reflect on the diverse experiences and narratives of migrants, highlighting the ethical, social and political dilemmas that arise as a result of these global movements. Artists of six nationalities face the intricate dilemmas that surround migration and contribute, from contemporary art, a borderless light on the multifaceted impact that displacement generates on people, their interactions, their roots, their uprooting, their rupture and their ideas of the world. Eternal mutants of mixed identities who redefine their surroundings and examine the deep emotional and cultural ramifications of leaving their origins in another land. A vivid capture of the fusion of cultures, the mixing of traditions and the emergence of new hybrid identities. "Contemporary Dilemmas: Eternal Displacements" seeks to foster empathy, promote dialogue and raise awareness about the various migratory experiences, ultimately seeking a more inclusive and compassionate society, framed by the inherent human desire to belong.

Entrada actualizada el el 29 may de 2023

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