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Concrete / Discourse / Code

Exposición / Art Center Gallery EL / Kusnierska 6 / Elblag, Warminsko-Mazurskie, Polonia
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28 jun de 2018 - 30 ago de 2018

28 jun de 2018

Entrada gratuita

Comisariada por:
Wieslaw Luczaj

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Descripción de la Exposición

The international exhibition entitled CONCRETE / DISCOURSE / CODE is another part of a recurring project carried out by Prof. Wiesław Łuczaj from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, combining various trends in contemporary geometric art. These trends are hidden in the trinomial title: concrete art (CONCRETE), Discursive Geometry (DISCOURSE) and generative art (CODE). The exhibition features works by 60 artists from the USA, Canada, South Korea, as well as 12 European countries: Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and Sweden. Their works – originating from the realm of concrete art – touch upon such issues as the work’s matter, color, construction and structure, optical impact of elements, mathematical systems and their corresponding grid, along with other problems relating to form, because this art should be free from any connection with reality (except for the universe or transcendental reality). As for the works representing the field of Discursive Geometry, they draw inspiration from everyday reality, from its various aspects: daily life, newspapers, magazines, architecture, landscape, cultural texts, artificial life simulators, statistical reports describing social behavior, mapping, databases and many other sources. Finally, works from the realm of generative art addresses the subject of co-creation of works by computers. They are results of randomness, algorithms and computer codes. The works presented at the exhibition are real-time animations generated and visualized by a computer, which means that the projected images are never repeated. The intentional multidirectional character of the exhibition indicates the vitality of art expressed in the language of geometry, its evolution, its extension beyond programme-related limitations, and the contemporary play with the theoretical context, regardless of where the artists live and create. PARTICIPANTS: Štefan BALÁZS (SK), Ove CARLSON (S), Dominique CHAPUIS (F/D), Maria CUEVAS (E), Jean-François DUBREUIL (F), Rita ERNST (CH), John FRANCIS (CAN), Dariusz GAJEWSKI (PL), Julián GIL (E), István HAÁSZ (HU), Konrad HAJDAMOWICZ (PL), Gerard van der HORST (NL), Gerhard HOTTER (D), Victor HULIK (SK), Zbyněk JANÁČEK (CZ), Tomasz JĘDRZEJKO (PL), Arkadiusz KARAPUDA (PL), Jo KUHN (D), Josef LINSCHINGER (A), Christine LÖW (D), Aleksandra ŁATECKA (PL), Ryszard ŁUGOWSKI (PL), Małgorzata ŁUSZCZAK (PL), Susanne Kathlen MADER (D/N), Jakub MATYS (PL), Michał MISIAK (PL), Manfred MOHR (USA), Grzegorz MROCZKOWSKI (PL), David MRUGALA (D/KOR), Boris MÜLLER (D), Tadeusz MYSŁOWSKI (USA), Aleksander OLSZEWSKI (PL), Błażej OSTOJA LNISKI (PL), László OTTÓ (HU), Jan PAMUŁA (PL), Alicja PANASIEWICZ / Adam PANASIEWICZ (PL), Sławomir PLEWKO (PL), Anto RABZAS (E), Jaume ROCAMORA (E), Zbigniew ROMAŃCZUK (PL), Reinhard ROY (D), Magdalena SNARSKA (PL), Mark STAREL (PL), Jacek STASZEWSKI (PL), Jolanta STUDZIŃSKA (PL), Przemysław SULIGA (PL), Arkadiusz SYLWESTROWICZ (PL), Grzegorz SZTABIŃSKI (PL), Norbert THOMAS (D), Rafał URBAŃSKI (PL), Jorge VARAS (E), Jean-Pierre VIOT (F), Martin VOSSWINKEL (D), Agnieszka WASIAK (PL), Joa ZAK (PL), Tomasz ZAWADZKI (PL), Olga ZĄBROŃ (PL), Maciej ZDANOWICZ (PL), Wojciech ZUBALA (PL)

Imágenes de la Exposición
Art Center EL Gallery, Elbla?g, Poland

Entrada actualizada el el 16 nov de 2018

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