Exposición en Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia

Concorde Club

Placement Produit / 60 Rue de la Commune de Paris. Aubervilliers / Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia
Desde 06 sep de 2019
06 sep de 2019 / 18:00
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Descripción de la Exposición
Placement Produit is proud to open the doors for the premier of Concorde Club, the first solo exhibition in Paris of Madrid and Berlin based artist Mit Borrás (Madrid, 1982). A fictional spa club in an immersive space devoted to wellness questioning the ideas of progress, 
the impact of technologies, the myth
of transhumanism and the assertion of wellbeing. Concorde Club is an exclusive area for relaxation and wellness. The exhibition space is a spa that works in two levels: a wellness space using the aesthetic codes of the the most distinguished high quality clinics and as a Limbo, a heaven, a celestial uterine space. In a post-capitalist society, technological progress has an enormous symbolic value in relation to the perception of prosperity and well-being that we belive we have achieved. It has become a pagan divinity. The modern individual creates synthetic, practical and efficient commodities with which we perceive we are closer ... to the Future. This consequently translates into a sense of Zenith and proximity of eternity. As Mit Borras' work points out, this perception is achieved using ergonomics as one of the most efficient strategies of consume and prospering; we create objects adapted to our body, pleasant, increasing our ego and emulating the shapes of nature adapted to us, transmitting the idea of domesticated nature and we design them with a totemic character, in desirable ways, often phallic and vaginal. The show will only stands Friday 6th September 2019 from 6pm to 9 pm.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Mit Borrás. Concorde Club — Cortesía del artista

Entrada actualizada el el 18 sep de 2019

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