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Exposición / Roberto Paradise / Calle Hipódromo #610 - Santurce / San Juan, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
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08 may de 2013 - 15 jun de 2013

08 may de 2013

Organizada por:
Roberto Paradise

Artistas participantes:
Jonathan Torres


Descripción de la Exposición

Jonathan Torres relies heavily on intuition. He transforms personal experiences into pictures using paint, photography, film and sculpture. His imagery offers hints and intimations, selected from a personal, albeit private visual language.


As the mind tends to embellish and transform past memories, Torres turns personal experiences into baroque tales of savage anguish in an attempt to fill in the gaps between real life and fiction. His mythological-looking figures are in fact real people and real (21st century) events which the artist has exaggerated, in the process of calling up his memories and dreams. While he does not reveal the origin of his inspirations, we are captivated by the bizarre, yet strangely familiar stories we discover in these works.


In his paintings, pigment projects outward, seemingly made of an even denser material like clay, creating a tension between the traditionally flat second dimension of painting and sculpture's third dimension. Jonathan Torres combines oil with objects such as lace and fabric, extending them beyond the surface of the canvas. We are captivated by the reality of these materials and the mythology of his conceptions. For the artist, the original events wich inspired his memories, and the materials used in their depiction, are as important as the subject itself.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Jonathan Torres, Fuck by the paradise, 2013

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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