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Call for Entries Latin America en Pomona

06 jun de 2018 - 30 jun de 2018

Pomona, California, Estados Unidos

Cerrada desde 30-06-2018

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Latino Art Museum



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Descripción del Premio

Estan invitados a participar todos los artistas que correspondan a los paises de Latin America desde Mexico hasta Argentina LATINO ART MUSEUM CALL FOR ENTRIES LATIN AMERICA IN POMONA June 6, 2018 – June30, 2018 OPEN TO ALL ARTISTS Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brasil, Paraguay, Bolivia MAIN SALON EAST Belize - Costa Rica - El Salvador – Guatemala – Honduras – Mexico – Nicaragua – Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Republica Dominicana, Venezuela, Haiti, Jamaica MAIN SALON SOUTH - ENTRIES MUST BE ORIGINAL ART WORK It is with great honor that we announce the exhibition from Latin America’s Countries Opening Reception and Pomona Art Walk – Saturday, June 9, 2018 ▪ Works may be in a wide variety of media, including sculpture, mixed media, watercolor, oil, acrylic, performing art, movies, digital art, literature and music. ▪ Artists will be responsible for the delivery and pick up their work. ▪ Delivery of your art work will be Saturday, MAY 26, 2018 – 4pm-6pm ▪The Latino Art Museum will print an invitation, press release and media information. ▪ Precaution will be taken in handling the entries but please note that the Latino Art Museum cannot assume any responsibility for loss, theft or damage during the exhibition. Submissions must include: ▪ 1 IMAGE of your related art work by email AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to be include in the invitation Please send submissions to: Latino Art Museum – 281 S. Thomas St. – Suite 104/105 The Art Colony, Pomona, CA 91766 DEADLINE: Submissions are due at the Latino Art Museum by Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 6 pm LAM members: 3 art works: $40.00 Membership $25 or Non-Members $60 Contribution fee must be paid to Latino Art Museum Your Contribution is tax-deductible. The Latino Art Museum offers to artists excellent opportunities to continue growth as an artist by participating in a group or solo show. As a community art museum, one of the Latino Art Museum’s goals is to provide equal access to exhibitions and exhibition opportunities. THE LATINO ART MUSEUM IS A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 501 (C) 3 PRIMARILY SUPPORTED BY MEMBERSHIPS, GRANTS, DONATIONS, SPONSORSHIPS, CLASSES AND SPECIAL EVENTS. . 281 S. Thomas St. Suite 104/105 Pomona CA 91766 * ENTRY FORM Name_________________________________________________ Country ___________________________________ Address_____________________ City ___________________ State ____________ Zip Code _________________ Phone___________________________________ Email____________________________________________________ Web Page_____________________________________________________________________________ 1.-Title: ___________________________________ Media _____________________ Size _________Year __________ For Sale: Yes ______ No____________ Price: ___________________ 2.-Title: ___________________________________ Media _____________________ Size __________Year _________ For Sale: Yes _______ No_________ Price: ___________________ 3.-Title: __________________________ Media ______________ Size ______Year ____For Sale: Yes____No_____Price:______________ 4.-Title: ___________________________ Media ___________ Size _____Year _____For Sale: Yes ____ No____ Price_____________ 281 South Thomas St. Suite 105 - Pomona, CA 91766 - The Art Colony Pomona - 909.484.2618 – 909.620.6009 Address to delivery artwork by mail: 6230 Malvern Ave – Alta Loma, CA 91737

Entrada actualizada el el 22 may de 2018

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