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Brand New Ruins

Exposición / Rodríguez Gallery / Wodna 13/4 / Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polonia
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27 nov de 2015 - 09 ene de 2016

26 nov de 2015 / 19:00

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Rodríguez Gallery

Artistas participantes:
Keke Vilabelda


Descripción de la Exposición

The latest project of Keke Vilabelda is based on a field research made by the artist around the Spanish Peninsula, where he traced and documented the vestiges left by the bursting of the real-estate bubble in his homeland. Faithful to his artistic technic, Vilabelda extrapolates the results of this journey to the exhibition space, bringing closer to the public the silent testimony of the unfinished architecture that represent the frustrated dream of the speculators, and the impoverishment of a nation. Greed, luxury, trust, hope, failure, decadence, ruin... the artist recall in a powerful way the echoes of these contemporary fossils, building his works with the same raw materials used in the construction, trying to rescue their miserable beauty from oblivion. Carlos Rodríguez

Obras expuestas en Brand New Ruins (1 Obras)

Entrada actualizada el el 19 nov de 2015

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