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Boum! Boum!

Exposición / Hotel Yurbban Trafalgar / Carrer de Trafalgar, 30 / Barcelona, España
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26 may de 2016 - 10 jun de 2016

26 may de 2016

Organizada por:
LOOP Barcelona

Artistas participantes:
Antoni Miralda, Benet Rossell
Video arte  Video arte en Barcelona 


Descripción de la Exposición

Boum! Boum! En avant la musique! (1974) is a fictional film directed by Benet Rossell (Àger, Lleida, 1937) and Antoni Miralda (Terrassa, 1942), shot in Paris and starring Jaume Xifra and Pierre Restany. It is a playful, sharp and satirical critique against the inconsistency of the war, in which music takes on a leading role with a wide repertoire of soldiery songs. A pathetic figure of a marshal walks upon the boots of dead soldiers, in this way parodying the military leaders who always survive in the rear, and trace a sort of rancid and triumphant Via Crucis. Emblematic figures of the group of Catalan conceptual artists in Paris in the Sixties and Seventies-with Jaume Xifra and Joan Rabascall-, Miralda and Benet Rossell have performed together in several artist films-like París. La Cumparsita (1972) or Ceremonials (1974)-that document the actions carried out in Paris and Barcelona public spaces.

Entrada actualizada el el 27 may de 2016

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