Exposición en Marbella, Málaga, España

Beyond Borderlines & Intersections

Nouvelle Vague Artspaces / Carbón 112 piso 2 / Pol. Ind. la Ermita 29603 Marbella / Marbella, Málaga, España
10 may de 2019 - 30 jun de 2019
10 may de 2019 / 19:00
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Entrada gratuita
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Descripción de la Exposición

The art space has in the span of a year opened its reach to Morocco, and it is with great pride that we present a Moroccan photographer in front of a Spanish one. The sculptures of Andalusian Artist Lvcas Prior are to be on a terrace residency all summer. This exhibition is an invitation to explore the concept of borders and intersections, this project investigates notions of spacial and visual limitations and it aims to encourage interactions between cultures. The exhibit dispels misconceptions around culture, stereotypes and taboos. It is a Dialogue. The Artists offer insight on how society has changed to the past to the present, and perhaps help us grasp through new corridors of perception what the Future might hold. With this curation we aim to create an idea of co-existence among people. The project challenges geographical, political, ethnic, religious and aesthetic boundaries : What’s beyond your borders ? Camilla & Firouz FarmanFarmaian Co-curators

Imágenes de la Exposición
Beyond Borderlines & Intersections

Entrada actualizada el el 04 feb de 2020

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