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Becas Fundación Ama Amoedo 2024

Premios / Dotación:
(4) Becas Artistas: 10.000 dolares   
Lista de ganadores:
Alejandro Cruz  Clara Esborraz  Ana María Montenegro  Davi Pontes 

01 jun de 2024 - 30 jul de 2024

José Ignacio, Maldonado, Uruguay

Cerrada desde 30-07-2024

Dirigido a:
Artistas, Organizaciones

Organizada por:
Fundación Ama Amoedo

Bases de publicación:
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Miembros del jurado:
Laura Hakel, Nancy Rojas, Pablo Lafuente, Roxana Fabius


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Descripción del Premio

Fundación Ama Amoedo is pleased to announce the Grantees for its second edition of the Fundación Ama Amoedo Grants. With more than 2000 applications, 10 projects were selected in the categories: Artists, Art and Social Engagement, Organizations, and Publications. Each Awardee will receive support of 10,000 dollars for the research and development of their proposals. The Fundación Ama Amoedo Grants aim to provide support that boosts the visual arts ecosystem in Latin America. With a special focus on South America, the Grants are committed to empower both artists and institutions, enabling them to engage with new audiences and expand the reach of their work, as well as encouraging a deeper understanding of the region’s artistic narratives. “I would like to extend my gratitude to all the organizations, artists, and collectives who submitted their projects,” says Amalia Amoedo, Founding Director. “The 2024 Grants focus on building stronger ties with local communities through art, while highlighting the diversity of voices and perspectives across the region. The Foundation is proud to support the work of the awarded recipients by providing visibility and resources to amplify their reach on a larger scale. I am excited to see how their journeys unfold and the lasting impact they will make.” The jury was composed of Roxana Fabius (Independent Curator), Pablo Lafuente (Artistic Director, MAM Rio Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro), Nancy Rojas (Curator, MALBA Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires), and Laura Hakel (Curator of Collection and Artistic Projects, Fundación Ama Amoedo): “As jurors, it was an honor to review the vast number of excellent ideas and proposals submitted across various categories. We are convinced that the support provided will mark a turning point in the respective artistic and institutional practices of the selected recipients, allowing them to explore new forms of growth and amplify their social reach. Likewise, we trust that the impact of each of these grants will extend beyond the grantees, producing echoes that resonate in dialogues, shared knowledge, and resources. In particular, we note with interest that many of the selected projects in this edition are rooted in their local scenes, encouraging processes of circulation, historical revision, and community strengthening in the field of visual arts.” Artists Alejandro Cruz (Uruguay), Clara Esborraz (Argentina), Ana María Montenegro (Colombia), Davi Pontes (Brazil) Art and Social Engagement Aldeia-Escola Floresta (Brazil), Archivo de la Memoria Trans (Argentina) Organizations Instituto Tele Arte (Chile), Museo MARC (Argentina) Publications El Flasherito (Argentina), Claudia Martínez Garay (Peru) In the Artists category, Alejandro Cruz (Uruguay) will compile and restore a set of 12 works created since 2007 that address the Afro universe through a symbolic lens, while also developing a new body of work; Ana María Montenegro (Colombia) will produce an immersive video installation that explores the unparalleled story of a Colombian soldier who has been struck by lightning four times which will be presented as an exhibition at Fragmentos Espacio de Arte y Memoria, in Bogotá; Clara Esborraz (Argentina) will continue a work in progress reflecting on the body, entwining a series of sculptures, photographs, performances, and installations; Davi Pontes (Brazil) will complete the third film of a trilogy, exploring choreography, Black queer culture, speculative imagination, and re-examining how stories are told. In the Art and Social Engagement category, Aldeia-Escola-Floresta (Brazil), a community project of the Maxakali indigenous people in Minas Gerais, will continue their art program with special activities, workshops, and encounters bringing together different generations through art; the Archivo de la Memoria Trans (Argentina) will expand its archive of the history of Trans people in Latin America by digitizing, preserving, researching, and disseminating their work with educational programs that cultivate inclusion. In the Organizations category, Museo MARC, Museo Histórico Provincial de Rosario “Dr. Julio Marc” (Argentina) will produce a series of exhibitions titled “La Guerra es una gran porquería” (‘The War is a Filthy Thing’) that delve around the Chaco War (1932-1935) promoting restitution of the museum’s holdings and activating processes of memory, historical revision, and identity; Instituto Tele Arte (Chile) will promote an annual program of five exhibitions presenting emerging artists from Chile, Argentina, and Puerto Rico, three of which will include residencies. In the Publications category, El Flasherito (Argentina) will release its first book-format publication, gathering 10 years as a collective and independent art journal that has already published 21 print editions and nearly 500 online articles; artist Claudia Martínez Garay (Peru) will produce the first compilation of her work, which will feature images and texts about her production as well as essays, conversations and collaborations with renowned curators. ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- BECA ARTISTAS Las Becas Fundación Ama Amoedo de Artistas están destinadas a artistas y/o colectivos artísticos cuyas prácticas estén abocadas a las artes visuales. Se aceptarán proyectos específicos de investigación o creación que impliquen un aporte significativo en la trayectoria de lxs artistas. Se asignarán 4 becas de 10.000 dólares con el objetivo de apoyar a artistas en un momento clave de su carrera. BECA ARTE Y COMPROMISO SOCIAL Las Becas Fundación Ama Amoedo de Arte y Compromiso Social están destinadas a apoyar iniciativas específicas de grupos, individuos u organizaciones sin fines de lucro que, a través de las artes, contribuyan a generar un impacto positivo en la sociedad. Se aceptarán proyectos que utilicen la práctica artística para promover la educación, la inclusión social y la puesta en valor de la comunidad. Se otorgarán 2 becas de 10.000 dólares con el objetivo de acompañar prácticas sociales y colaborativas. BECA ORGANIZACIONES Las Becas Fundación Ama Amoedo de Organizaciones están destinadas a apoyar proyectos específicos de instituciones u organizaciones sin fines de lucro orientadas a promover, preservar y difundir el trabajo de artistas latinoamericanos. Se aceptarán iniciativas en una amplia variedad de formatos, que mediante metas precisas, contribuyan directamente con el ecosistema del arte. Se otorgarán 2 becas de 10.000 dólares con el objetivo de acompañar a instituciones afines en sus respectivas misiones. BECA PUBLICACIONES Las Becas Fundación Ama Amoedo de Publicaciones están destinadas a contribuir con publicaciones de arte y/o de artistas latinoamericanos. Su objetivo es fomentar la profesionalización artística mediante el apoyo a publicaciones que tengan una relevancia significativa. Se otorgarán 2 becas de 10.000 dólares a proyectos editoriales concretos, con un plazo máximo de realización de 2 años a partir de la recepción de la beca.

Entrada actualizada el el 02 oct de 2024

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