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Bienal de arte / B3 Biennial of the Moving Image / Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main Schlossstraße 31 / Frankfurt, Hessen, Alemania
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Desde 29 nov de 2017

29 nov de 2017

Comisariada por:
Anita Beckers, Bernd Kracke

Artistas participantes:
Carlos Aires


Correo electrónico
Video  Video en Hessen  Video arte  Video arte en Hessen  Videocreación  Videocreación en Hessen  Videoinstalación  Videoinstalación en Hessen 


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Descripción de la Exposición

the B3 Biennial of the Moving Image reunites 250 artists, academics and media producers from all over the world in works that discuss the overarching theme of human desire. “With the digital media and the Internet, we experience a fabric of desire that proposes new relationships to the production, perception and appropriation of moving images, music and art”, write curators Bernd Kracke and Anita Beckers in the introductory text to the show. “The B3 responds to these new conditions with a wide range of international artworks that use the moving image. Within their aesthetic semantics, these well-formulated artistic positions respond to the ubiquity of desire/aspiration and related topics such as love, sex, freedom, religion, obsessions, individuality, power and greed.” Titled “On Desire. Über das Begehren”, B3’s main exhibition takes place at what will soon be the city’s new FOUR Frankfurt high-rise district, showcasing moving image works by 70 artists from 20 different countries. The event also includes an extensive short and feature film program, recent 360-degree productions, full-dome films, as well as a special focus on current virtual and augmented reality projects.

Entrada actualizada el el 29 jul de 2021

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