Descripción de la Exposición
All eyes are currently on Paris, a city that is undergoing a profound cultural renaissance, and the stars seemed to have aligned to make this 23rd edition of Art Paris a truly exceptional one. From 9 to 12 September, the fair brought together 140 galleries from 23 different countries in a new venue, the Grand Palais Éphémère on the Champ-de-Mars, with a dazzling selection of works presented by the exhibiting galleries, including several prestigious first-time participants such as Galleria Continua and Thaddaeus Ropac.
An all-time record number of visitors: 72,746 in 2021
There was a palpable feeling of excitement right from the vernissage, when collectors and directors of French cultural institutions eagerly waited for the doors to open on a gorgeous sunny day. In the aisles, people murmured: “Everybody’s here!” and both the special opening day “Digital Art, NFT and the Art Market” conferences organised by and Sarah Trouche’s poetic performance “Attrape-Lune” were full to the walls.
Art Paris finally closed its doors on Sunday evening in a cheerful atmosphere buzzing with energy marked by an all-time record number of visitors: 72,756 (compared to 56,000 in 2020 and 63,257 in 2019), in other words an increase of more than 28 % compared to 2020 (during the pandemic) and 15 % compared to 2019, which was a landmark year for the fair.
Press release - 15th April 2021
Première foire artistique post-confinement à s’être tenue dans le monde en septembre 2020, revient du 9 au 12 septembre en inagurant le Grand Palais Éphémère au Champ-de-Mars ; une spectaculaire structure temporaire du XXIe siècle imaginée par l’architecte Jean- Michel Wilmotte, au pied de l’École Militaire et dans l’alignement de la Tour Eiffel, qui abritera les événements parisiens du Grand Palais jusqu’à sa réouverture à l’occasion des Jeux Olympiques de 2024.
Press release - 11th February 2021
After consulting several times with all our partners, Art Paris 2021, which was initially planned for 8-11 April, will now be held from 9-12 September (with the preview on 8 September).
The current evolution of the health crisis (with the appearance of new variants around the world and delays in the vaccination campaign), the absence of visibility as to when the borders will reopen, without talking about Paris’s institutions, hotels and restaurants and the prolongation of the ban on major events in France until June means that a cloud of uncertainty weighs on this spring.
The members of the selection committee and all the exhibitors with whom we spoke about the subject agree with the decision to postpone the fair, judging that conditions in September will be more favourable and will ensure the success of the event, despite the number of fairs scheduled in autumn. As provided for in the general terms and conditions of sale relevant to the 2021 fair, the deposits paid by exhibitors will be transferred in their entirety to the September 2021 edition.
Although it is being postponed until September, Art Paris will still be the first modern and contemporary art fair to be held at the Grand Palais Ephémère on the Champ- de-Mars, a spectacular temporary structure fit for the 21st century designed by the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte. It will bring together a dazzling list of 140 galleries from 20 countries in Paris, a city that is more than ever a hub for contemporary art in Europe.
Art Paris, the first art fair to take up residence in the ephemeral Grand Palais on the Champ-de-Mars in April 2021
After being the first art fair worldwide to open its doors after lockdown restrictions ended, Art Paris will also be the first art fair to take up residence in the ephemeral Grand Palais on the Champ-de-Mars from 8-11 April 2021. This spectacular temporary structure fit for the 21st century designed by architect Jean Michel Wilmotte is located in front of the Ecole Militaire and aligned with the Eiffel Tower: it will play host to the Grand Palais’ events until the latter reopens in time for the Olympic Games in 2024.
Exposición. 09 sep de 2021 - 12 sep de 2021 / Grand Palais Éphémère / Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia
Exposición. 09 sep de 2021 - 12 sep de 2021 / Grand Palais Éphémère / Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia
Exposición. 09 sep de 2021 - 12 sep de 2021 / Grand Palais Éphémère / Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. 27 mar de 2025 - 28 mar de 2025 / CAAC - Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo / Sevilla, España
Un orientalismo subalterno”, IV capítulo de “Pensamiento sur(b)terráneo"