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Art Paris Live 2020

Exposición Online

28 may de 2020 - 31 may de 2020

28 may de 2020

Comisariada por:
Carolina Grau, Gaël Charbau

Organizada por:
Art París

Artistas participantes:
Fermín Aguayo, María Helena Vieira da Silva, Michael Biberstein, Miguel Branco, Rui Moreira

Galerías participantes:
Albarrán Bourdais, Ana Mas Projects, Brisa Galeria, Galeria de São Mamede, Galeria Foco, Galería Freijo, Galería MPA / Moisés Pérez de Albéniz, Galería Younique, Marc Domènech (GMD), Michel Soskine Inc., Pigment Gallery, Victor Lope Arte Contemporaneo

Arte contemporáneo 


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pdf Comunicado de prensa - Art París 2020
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Descripción de la Exposición

Following the government’s latest announcement banning all public gatherings until mid-July, the 22nd edition of Art Paris, a leading modern and contemporary art spring event that was initially to be held from 2-5 April, before being postponed until 28-31 May 2020, has finally had to be cancelled. As you know, we were working on a hypothesis of a final postponement of the fair at the Grand Palais from 1-5 July, in order to offer French galleries a chance to meet their collectors after a frozen spring and to the stop. With regret, we must, therefore, draw a line under the 2020 edition which would have brought together 150 galleries from 20 countries, and hosted two thematic focuses, one on the French scene and the other on the Iberian Peninsula. Art Paris will be back from 7-11 April 2021. It will be the first fair to take over the ephemeral Grand Palais on the Champ-de-Mars, a magnificent temporary structure fit for the 21st century designed by Jean-Michel Wilmotte and which will host events in Paris until the Grand Palais reopens to coincide with the 2024 Summer Olympics. Art Paris would like to thank from the bottom of its heart all those who have supported the 2020 edition, including the galleries, cultural institutions, media partners and companies. We would also like to express our profound solidarity: our thoughts go out to all those who are fighting the virus and to the victims of this worldwide pandemic. ----------------------------------------------------------- Como resultado de la propagación del coronavirus, sus organizadores han decidido posponer la feria, que en un principio estaba previsto celebrarse del 2 al 5 de abril de 2020, al 28 al 31 de mayo de 2020 (vista previa de apertura el miércoles 27 de mayo desde el mediodía hasta las 10 p.m.). Ver comunicado de prensa de Nuevas Fechas, más abajo en Documentos Relacionados. Art Paris alberga 150 galerías internacionales bajo el techo de cristal del Grand Palais. Abierto a todas las formas de expresión artística y accesible para todos los públicos, Art Paris presenta un panorama de la creación moderna y contemporánea. Una cita con el arte moderno y contemporáneo en primavera en París En más de 20 primaveras, Art Paris se ha vuelto un encuentro imprescindible para el arte moderno y contemporáneo en París. Este año, la feria reunirá aún más de 150 galerías oriundas de más de 20 países, para casi 1000 artistas representados. Grandes figuras artísticas e impactantes nuevos rostros venidos de toda Europa se aunarán a una mirada cosmopolita sobre la creación de África, Asia, Latinoamérica y del Medio Oriente, desde la posguerra hasta la actualidad. Asimismo, Art Paris, impulsada por su curador general Guillaume Piens, cultiva el entusiasmo por el arte en todas sus formas. Para Art Paris, es indispensable conservar una línea editorial fuerte: se trata de una feria de pasión más que de una feria de especulación, atreviéndose al descubrimiento, y que sigue siendo de tamaño humano bajo la maravillosa cúpula del Grand Palais. Dos temas seguirán coloreando esta edición de Art Paris Una mirada sobre la escena francesa: historias comunes y poco comunes Art Paris apoya la escena artistica francesa con un recorrido curatorial imaginado por Gaël Charbau, curador y crítico de arte independiente sobre el tema “Historias comunes y poco comunes”. Gaël Charbau ofrece una mirada subjetiva, histórica y crítica de las galerías participantes, y pilota así una selección de proyectos específicos de 20 artistas franceses cuyas obras ahondan en las nociones de relato, de historia singular y universal. Curador invitado: Gaël Charbau, curador y crítico de arte independiente Estrellas del Sur: Barcelona, Lisboa, Madrid y Oporto Después de Latinoamérica, Art Paris se gira hacia la Península Ibérica. Una verdadera primavera del arte se está despertando en las ciudades de Barcelona, Lisboa, Madrid y Oporto. Ese enfoque, conducido por Carolina Grau, curadora de la exposición, enfatiza sobre la identidad y la diversidad de estas cuatro ciudades en plena regeneración, con una selección de galerías y de artistas, así como de proyectos paralelos: programas de vídeo, conferencias, instalaciones específicas, que atestan del despertar artístico en España y Portugal. Curadora invitada: Carlona Grau, curadora de la exposición independiente « Solo Show »: un récord de 46 exposiciones monográficas La exposición monográfica es un privilegio en la carrera de un artista. Representa un mejor conocimiento de su trabajo y por ende, su reconocimiento. Desde 2015, Art Paris fomenta la presentación de exposiciones monográficas esparcidas en el seno de la feria. « Promesas », el apoyo a nuevas galerías y a la creación emergente El sector « Promesas », situado en el centro del Grand Palais, consta de 14 galerías de menos de seis años de antigüedad que pueden exhibir de uno a tres artistas emergentes como máximo. La feria se hace cargo del 45 % de los gastos de los participantes. París, una de las capitales mundiales del arte Debido a la apertura de fundaciones privadas, a la creación de nuevas y osadas arquitecturas, al dinamismo de las instituciones y al mercado del arte, Paris es más que nunca una de las capitales mundiales del arte: allí donde hay que estar. Por lo tanto, el recorrido VIP « El primavera en París » expone la efervescencia de la escena parisina primaveral. _______________________ Art Paris, the leading spring event for modern and contemporary art, celebrates the French art scene and invites visitors to discover four dynamic cities: Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid and Porto. In the 20 years since its first edition, Art Paris has become Paris’s must-see spring fair for modern and contemporary art, once again bringing together more than 150 galleries from over 20 different countries with a total of almost 1,000 artists. Combining leading names in the art world and astounding discoveries from all over Europe, not forgetting a cosmopolitan approach to African, Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern art from the post-war period to the present day, Art Paris demonstrates a passion for art in all its forms, encouraged in this by fair director Guillaume Piens. In addition, Art Paris boasts a strong editorial line that asserts the fair’s identity as one that favours passion for art over speculation and which dares to tread new paths. Not only is Art Paris neither too big, nor too small, it is hosted in a magnificent setting, the Grand Palais. After women artists and Latin America in 2019, this year Art Paris pays tribute to the rich and dynamic French art scene in a focus curated by Gaël Charbau and invites you to discover the buzzing art scenes of Southern Europe’s major cities (Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid and Porto). Art Paris will be held once again at the Grand Palais in 2020, before becoming the first art event to move into the ephemeral Grand Palais that will be installed on the Champ de Mars in 2021, while renovation work is carried out on the historic Parisian monument. An Overview of the French Art Scene: Common and Uncommon Stories Art Paris supports the French scene by associating an exhibition curator’s subjective, historical and critical point of view with a selection of specific projects by French artists presented by participating galleries. For Common and Uncommon Stories, independent curator and art critic Gaël Charbau will select 20 artists whose works highlight narrative notions and tell unique and universal stories. Guest curator: Gaël Charbau, independent curator and art critic. In 2003, Gaël Charbau founded the contemporary art journal Particules. He curates the Audi Talents awards and is the director of the Bourse Révélations Emerige, which supports emerging artists working in France. He regularly organises exhibitions in Europe and Asia and works with various institutions, programmes and patrons. He is the artistic advisor for Universcience (Palais de la Découverte and Cité des Sciences) and was the artistic director for Nuit Blanche 2018. Southern Stars: Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid and Porto After Latin America, the 2020 edition of Art Paris is looking towards the Iberian Peninsula and the remarkable revival of the Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid and Porto art scenes. The focus, led by independent curator Carolina Grau, will showcase the specific personality of each of these flourishing cities with a selection of galleries, artists and additional projects, such as a video programme, conferences and installations, which will combine to illustrate the artistic awakening of Spain and Portugal. Guest curator: Carolina Grau, independent exhibition curator Carolina Grau has been working as an independent curator specialising in contemporary art for the last two decades. She has produced exhibitions for a wide range of institutions in the public and private sector in the United Kingdom, the USA, France, Portugal, Brazil, Italy and Spain, working both with established and upcoming artists. Grau was co-founder and co-curator of the Biennale of Jafre (2003 to 2015) and associate curator at the Arquipélago Centro de Artes Contemporaneas (Azores) in 2017. In 2019, she curated the mid-career retrospective of Spanish artist Angela de la Cruz at CGAC Santiago de Compostela and she is currently working on the solo exhibition of Portuguese artist Vasco Barata for the MAAT (Lisbon). Solo Show: encouraging monographic exhibitions Monographic exhibitions are a special moment in an artist’s career. They help develop a better understanding of their work and, in so doing, add to their reputation. Ever since 2015 and thanks to a subsidised tariff, the “Solo Show” sector has been encouraging the presentation of some forty monographic exhibitions spread throughout the fair. Promises: supporting young galleries and emerging artists The “Promises” sector is located in the central part of the Grand Palais. It showcases 14 galleries with less than six years of existence, each of which will be presenting between one and three emerging artists. In this way, Art Paris acts as a catalyst for young French and international artists, offering them and emerging galleries an unprecedentedly high level of visibility in an international art event. Paris, the world art capital With the opening of private foundations, bold new architecture, dynamic institutions and an active art market, Paris is more than ever a World art capital. The fair’s special VIP programme, “Springtime in Paris,” illustrates the effervescence of the Parisian art scene this spring. Art Paris 2020 dates and hours Preview (by invitation only) Wednesday, April 1, 2019 from 6 to 10 pm / Thursday, April 2, 11:30am to 8pm / Friday, April 3, 11:30am to 9pm / Saturday, April 4, 10:30am to 8pm / Sunday, April 5, 10:30am to 7pm Admission fee: 28 EUR / 14 EUR for students and groups Catalogue: 20 EUR Selection committee Thomas Bernard, Galerie Thomas Bernard – Cortex Athletico (Paris) / Carina Andres Thalmann, Galerie Andres Thalmann (Zurich) / Alain Chiglien, Galerie Nec Nilsson et Chiglien (Paris) / Romain Degoul, Galerie Paris-Beijing (Paris) / Dominique Fiat, Galerie Dominique Fiat (Paris) / Diane Lahumière, Galerie Lahumière (Paris) / Marie-Ange Moulonguet, collectionneuse et consultante Art Paris managing team Julien Lecêtre & Valentine Lecêtre - CEOs / Guillaume Piens - Fair Manager / Catherine Vauselle - Communications & Partnerships Director

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