Descripción de la Exposición
There are artists who. through their simplicity, connect with the roots of tradition. They are what we could call intuitive artists, those who. like a dowser. are able to detect water underground, even in the most infertile desert
Antonia Ferrer is one of those artists: only with her hands. with clear and simple matter, as if it were only sand or light earth, she is able to connect with oriental painting -especially Korean and.Jepanese-. giving a flat surface the depth of a landscape, the remoteness of a sea. the darkness of a well.
Ferrer is inspired by many sources: from Tapies his surfaces. from the Mediterranean the light of its beaches. lt seems an easy exercise. but in that false and impossible ease lies the quality and passion that her pieces generate.
"My philosophy is the pursuit of simplicity. 1 do not allow myself to get so focused on details on their own. 1 simplify to the maximum. I like to call it 'my sieve' which passes only the essential, the significant. In my paintings I explore primitive materials which, applied in a gestural way, blur the line between sculpture and painting. Almost like a bas-relief.
I manipulate the matter by creating traces inspired by the footprints left by the sea after a storm. When everything is calm. The sea inspires me. In fact. through the levity in colour and composition, 1 try to reflect a state of calm. serenity and aesthetic simplicity that leads to the sensual perception of my work."
Antonia Ferrer
Exposición. 18 feb de 2025 - 15 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España