Descripción de la Exposición
The Portuguese artist Henrique Pavão’s Almodôvar Mirror Site (2016) shows a synchronized pair of slide projections of seemingly identical motorway service stations located on opposite sides of the route between Lisbon and the Algarve, each serving a different destination. The artist and a collaborator, facing in opposite directions, examined the 11 petrol stations along the road while in mobile phone contact to ascertain the similarities between the pairs; they concluded that only a single pairing was in fact identical, offering itself as a ‘mirror-site’ chiming with American artist Robert Smithson’s Yucatan Mirror Displacements (1969) close to half a century earlier. As the slides of Almodôvar Mirror Site flash up the experience of being in two places at the same time is highlighted. In practice however, the twinned images can only be taken in together through extreme peripheral vision as they are projected onto screens at opposite sides of the space at SE8 gallery. Pavão sets out to demonstrate the mechanics of time and place; to accomplish this feat analog technology is employed as an analogy – in which the input and the output largely correspond like the mechanical minute hand on a clock that performs an entire circle to describe the hour. And yet, the mechanical performance of these prosaic images that demonstrate similitude, displaces a quasi mystical quest for a lost domain that can never be attained – the complete mirror site, the Aleph, the place of all places - masking ’the unsatisfied desire for that which is always missing and found wanting in modern rationalist society: the miraculous’.
Pavão is currently exhibiting at the Museum for Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT) in Lisbon as one of the shortlisted candidates for the EDP Prize for Young Artists and is represented by UMA LULIK __.
The exhibition is accompanied by the book Henrique Pavão: Almodôvar Mirror Site published by Mulberry Tree Press with texts by Sérgio Fazenda Rodrigues, Nicolas de Oliveira/Nicola Oxley, and the artist.
Actualidad, 13 jun de 2019
#loquehayquever en Portugal: los museos lusos tienden puentes con España, Reino Unido y Suiza
Por Paula Alonso Poza
Abre sus puertas la Mostra Espanha 2019, que incluye una docena de exposiciones en diferentes ciudades portuguesas que favorecen el intercambio entre la práctica lusa y la española. Además, el Serralves se alía con la ...
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