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Alice Miceli: Projeto Chernobyl

Exposición / Americas Society / 680 Park Avenue at 68th Street. NY 10065 / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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09 oct de 2019 - 25 ene de 2020

07 nov de 2019 / 18:00

Comisariada por:
Gabriela Rangel

Organizada por:
Americas Society

Artistas participantes:
Alice Miceli

Instalación  Instalación en New York 


Descripción de la Exposición

This exhibition presents Alice Miceli’s Projeto Chernobyl (Chernobyl Project), a series of 30 radiographs produced in 2006–2010. Miceli developed a method of image making to document the enduring effects of the Soviet nuclear plant explosion of April 26, 1986. Though gamma radiation continues to be present and to cause health problems and deaths in the area, it is invisible to the naked eye and to traditional methods of photography that have been used to document the region’s ruins. With Projeto Chernobyl, Miceli made this contamination visible via direct contact between the radiation and film, which was exposed in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone for months at a time. Both technically and conceptually complex, Miceli’s work questions our ideas of vision, memory, politics, and environmental issues.

Entrada actualizada el el 17 sep de 2019

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