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Alfredo Jaar: The Temptation to Exist

Exposición / Galerie Thomas Schulte / Charlottenstraße, 24 / Berlin, Alemania
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24 jun de 2023 - 12 ago de 2023

23 jun de 2023 / 19:00

From Tuesday to Saturday from 12 to 6 pm

Entrada gratuita

Organizada por:
Galerie Thomas Schulte

Artistas participantes:
Alfredo Jaar



Descripción de la Exposición

The exhibition “The Temptation to Exist” by Alfredo Jaar will be on show at Galerie Thomas Schulte in Berlin in the summer of 2023. For over four decades, Alfredo Jaar has used photography, film, installation, and new media to create compelling works that examine complex socio-political issues and the ethics and limits of representation. Alfredo Jaar has selected works from around 50 artists who have sought to resist and change the world since the 1950s, shown along with a few works of his own.

Entrada actualizada el el 16 jun de 2023

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