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Aldo Chaparro

Exposición / Inception Gallery / 37 rue de Poitou / Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia
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10 sep de 2015 - 11 nov de 2015

10 sep de 2015

Organizada por:
Inception Gallery

Artistas participantes:
Aldo Chaparro
Escultura  Escultura en Ile-de-France 


Descripción de la Exposición

...the spatial and architectural richness... Aldo Chaparro is an artist working on sculpture, design and architecture from Peru. He explores the spatial and architectural richness, and his works are built from fast processes. As time goes by, he has developed an attachment to his favorite mediums such as wood, steel and neon lights. ...contrast with the violent nature of his sculptures. The industrial delicacy, the cleanliness and the quality of reflexion of the metal used on his folded steels is in complete contrast with the violent nature of his sculptures. He manages to create a perfect balance between working on the steel while leaving a part of freeness inherent to the material. ...a wrinkled paper aspect... His mastery and technic permit him to obtain a wrinkled paper aspect, similar to a crumpled piece of paper thrown in the bin. The metal is loosing its formal rigour to becomes a fragile element. The coloured finish reminds of Jeff Koons' sculptures. Aldo Chaparro's crumpled metal sheets capture the environmental colour with their reflective surfaces. For others, the artist uses a range of colour according to the his steel sheets. The process used allows a unique crystallisation of the colour without having the paint damaged during the folding. The coloured finish reminds of Jeff Koons' sculptures. In the Totem series, joists of woods are partially or completely burned The wood work is decontextualised from its original context. In the Totem series, joists of woods are partially or completely burned. He then sculpts the darkened wood, giving it a second life. His art is conceived as such... His art is conceived as such for what it is and not for what it might mean. of the pillar of contemporary art in South America His cultural identity, his admiration for his mother, the mix of strength and fragility and his love for his daughters Anne and Marie have made of this artist one of the pillar of contemporary art in South America ...collectors of Chaparro...

Imágenes de la Exposición
Untitled, 2015, Gold plated brass, 40 x 50 cm. @ Aldo Chaparro

Entrada actualizada el el 16 sep de 2015

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