Descripción de la Exposición
The possibility of an “exclusively” digital society tends to play a determining role in the destination of our attention, often distancing us from the people around us, and referring us to isolated, solitary and atomized spaces. We feel disconnected and distanced, and even excluded from society. We have less physical contact, we touch less. We tend to create a society without communities, which neglects us, but above all which we neglect.
But there are places where we come together, where we learn to relate to others, where we (re)learn how to do it. They are inclusive spaces, where we peacefully coexist with people who are different from us, with different points of view, who project us to a much broader community, to which we all belong, and which reconnect society. Spaces that, by their characteristics and shape, motivate us to take care of relationships and where we take care of ourselves. Spaces where we feel we have a place in society, and where we rediscover the idea of community. They are spaces of resistance!
Afurada is a vibrant space where we discover our neighbors, where we have time to stop and chat, to make new friends or nurture existing relationships, in contrast to a city full of strangers, anonymous, and sometimes hostile. An urban space focused on inclusion as opposed to segregation.
On the slopes of those passing through Afurada, there is a vast interactive screen animated by the variety of rhythms of different people, who inscribe their comings and goings in the middle of the clothes rack. They are tracks and clues that, like poetry, have grammar, meter and vocabulary. Its interpretation and decoding is complex and tinged with the richness of the gestures it presents, which motivates us to unravel its layers of meaning. They encourage us to acquire observation skills and interaction with this piece of humanity.
Inspired by Noreema Hertz in “The Century of Solitude”.
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. 27 mar de 2025 - 28 mar de 2025 / CAAC - Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo / Sevilla, España
Un orientalismo subalterno”, IV capítulo de “Pensamiento sur(b)terráneo"