Residencia en London, London, City of, Reino Unido

Acts of Repair : Loss & Damage

Premios / Dotación:

Research Residency Stipend

12,600 dolares

05 oct de 2023 - 12 nov de 2023
London, London, City of, Reino Unido
Cerrada desde 12-11-2023
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Descripción del Premio
Acts of Repair : Loss and Damage is an online artistic research residency aimed at facilitating a transdisciplinary exchange around the issue of loss and damage caused by the climate crisis. Climate change-induced loss and damage is experienced in myriad ways, some economic, but many of which are unquantifiable and intangible. This can include loss and damage to infrastructure, culture, sense of place and identity, livelihoods, biodiversity, Indigenous and local knowledge, health, and much more. With the climate crisis escalating and loss and damage increasing, the research residency aims to empower artists to contribute to the paradigm shift that is required to move past this era of polycrisis. By doing so, Acts of Repair : Loss and Damage hopes that alternative narratives and representations will emerge that can influence thinking and decision making on how to address loss and damage beyond the technical and scientific solutions currently offered. Acts of Repair : ... Loss and Damage therefore seeks three artists and/or curators, (applying as individuals or as collectives) working within any medium to undertake new or existing artistic research projects engaging with loss and damage. Throughout the year-long program, the selected artists and/or curators will be supported in their engagement with the issue of loss and damage and encouraged to spend time exploring and developing their artistic and/or curatorial practice in dialogue with other like-minded cultural practitioners as well as a global community of climate change researchers, policymakers, advocates, activists, and negotiators, working on Loss and Damage — the policies and plans developed to address loss and damage. Acts of Repair : Loss and Damage is especially interested in artistic research proposals exploring the intangible loss and damage that the climate crisis is causing to culture and heritage, identity and health (physical, mental, and spiritual), as well as reparative acts, modes of healing, community building and kinship-making, that emerge in response to the need to address loss and damage. Applications from practitioners representing the Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) —those at the forefront of intersectional experiences of the climate crisis in the global South and North— are particularly welcome. Taking place between January 2024 and January 2025, the Acts of Repair : Loss and Damage public online program will feature four key moments (three workshops and a symposium) aimed at fostering dialogue between the selected artists and/or curators and Loss and Damage researchers from around the world. Throughout Acts of Repair : Loss and Damage the selected artists and/or curators will be expected to participate in these key moments but without the pressure of producing a final research outcome. Instead, they will be invited to contribute a digital restitution of their experience to be shared on the Acts of Repair : Loss and Damage website and presented during CO29 (TBC) and/or the symposium. The research residency will be conducted online and include moments of exchange between the facilitators and selected artists and/or curators as a cohort, mentoring sessions, as well as networking and research and development opportunities tailored to their research focus. Each selected participant or collective will receive a stipend of £10,000 (approximately $12600). Visit the Acts of Repair : Loss and Damage website to apply:



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