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AAA, Art, Alternative, Alterity

01 feb de 2015 - 20 sep de 2015

Metz, Lorraine, Francia

Cerrada desde 20-09-2015

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Organizada por:
LORA Lorraine Reseau Art Contemporaine

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Descripción del Premio

Art, Alternative, Alterity, or AAA, is a call for multidisciplinary ideas aiming at reflecting on and rethinking the concept of “living together” in a multi-centered, multi-ethnic world. The AAA project has arisen from a growing sense of crisis and decline: economic recessions, subjection to the rules of finance and the free market, the increase in inequality, ubiquitous surveillance, the disappearance of public spaces, and ecological disasters. All of these phenomena have a massive impact on our morale on a daily basis, whether locally or globally. Faced with our powerlessness as individuals, AAA desires to create a shared space for imagination, reflection, and artistic practice. Are you creative and have a collaborative idea? One or several ideas will be rewarded. Share yours! The only requirement is that the idea must be carried out collectively in the interest of alterity and with an economy of means. An award of €1,000 will be granted for each bright, unique and generous idea.  

Entrada actualizada el el 16 feb de 2015

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