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A World of Illusions

Exposición / Bildmuseet / Östra Strandgatan 26 / Umeå, Vasterbottens Lan, Suecia
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11 oct de 2019 - 08 mar de 2020

11 oct de 2019

Organizada por:

Artistas participantes:
Grada Kilomba

Instalación  Instalación en Vasterbottens Lan 


Descripción de la Exposición

Bildmuseet presents Grada Kilomba’s first solo exhibition in Scandinavia, a trilogy of video installations that use antique dramas to highlight postcolonial issues of racism, gender oppression and violence. The exhibition is the premiere of the third chapter, Antigone, and the three large-scale video works are thereby being exhibited together for the very first time. In the poetic Illusions trilogy, we find the familiar stories of Narcissus and Echo, Oedipus, and Antigone in new versions. Grada Kilomba reworks the ancient Greek myths and stages them together with actors, combining performance, theatre, choreography, and music. Drawing inspiration from African oral traditions, she takes on the role of a contemporary Griot, a storyteller who lets the classic tales speak directly on the current political issues. The precision of the artistic expression combined with its urgent message make Kilomba one of today’s most interesting artists.

Entrada actualizada el el 15 oct de 2019

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