Descripción del Premio
We are happy to announce the results of the third “A-PLACE – Video Production Open Call”, in its 2022 edition.
We received 73 project proposals, with applications coming from 13 European countries. The projects submitted have revealed a wide variety of approaches to building and engaging communities in art-based placemaking processes. The quantity and quality of the proposals have led the jury to an exciting and complex deliberation process. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal for their interest and efforts.
Finally, the jury decided to assign the award to the project entitled:
“The Place I Inhabit” by SINDIHOGAR collective.
SINDIHOGAR is the first independent trade union of cleaning and caring workers in Spain. Funded in 2012, it actively struggles for the dignity of caring work and the Migrant Women’s rights. Because of their strong commitment to affirm the role of migrant women as cultural producers, they have been engaged in several artistic projects.
“The Place I Inhabit” focuses on the dichotomy between public and private spaces of the city of Barcelona and the paradox of caring. As they state: “Our voices and experience of the city are in direct contrast with the image constructed by the ‘Barcelona Brand’ (…). For this very reason, this project aims to give a turn to the ‘outsider’ narrative, bringing back our voices and bodies to the centre.”
The video will be exhibited in the 2022 edition of the LOOP Festival which will take place in Barcelona, in November.
The Jury Members were: Leandro Madrazo (La Salle Escola d’Arquitectura, Barcelona), Ramón Parramón (IDENSITAT, Barcelona) and pli-é collective (Sala d’Art Jove, Barcelona). Open Call Coordinator: Victoria Sacco
Activity co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Como miembro del proyecto internacional A-Place, LOOP presenta la tercera edición de la convocatoria para encargar una nueva producción de video, que desafíe y amplíe el concepto de 'place-making'. El plazo de presentación es el 28 de febrero de 2022.
El propósito de esta convocatoria es invitar a artistas multidisciplinarios/as a explorar y ampliar el significado de «lugar» en nuestras sociedades multiculturales e interconectadas. El objetivo es producir un video que presente, documente, deconstruya, amplíe, especule, desafíe, ficcionalice la experiencia de «place-making». La producción del video tendrá que realizarse dentro de las dinámicas sociales de un determinado espacio urbano, con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre la idea de pertenencia a un lugar, más allá de cualquier inercia física, social o cultural.
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