Exposición en Washington, District of Columbia, Estados Unidos

A Hidden City through the lens of young Argentinean photographers

Embajada Argentina en Washington / 1600 New Hampshire Ave, NW / Washington, District of Columbia, Estados Unidos
15 nov de 2016 - 02 dic de 2016
15 nov de 2016
Descripción de la Exposición
The PH15 Foundation believes that art can be a tool for transformation. Our workshops are spaces where photography an instrument of creation, communication and connection with others. Our work is group oriented and collaborative: taking photographs, viewing them, critiquing and editing them together. Workshop facilitators and participants share knowledge about technique and use of cameras as well as their desire to learn about and transmit a part of their lives together. PH15 started as an experiment in 2000 to offer alternatives to violence and crime to young residents of Villa 15, which is known as Ciudad Oculta or the Hidden City in Buenos Aires. With support from the Inter-American Foundation (IAF), we grew to provide workshops for more than 1,000 young people in 11 Argentine provinces. While many were unable to pursue a career in photography, our young photographers' works have been featured in successful exhibitions in Argentina, Germany, Spain, the ... United Kingdom, and the United States. Consider the idea that photography is an instrument of change. Art as a tool for change comes from the idea that it is an act of human liberation that allows us to manifest who we are outside of our daily existence. Perhaps it is the trust in an aesthetic practice that humanizes us, including within situations of great adversity. Panel discussion with the PH15 directors and a PH15 participant to learn about the organization's positive impact on young people and their community.



Entrada actualizada el el 10 nov de 2016

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