Concurso en Barcelona, España

5th Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography

01 ene de 2018 - 01 abr de 2018
Barcelona, España
Cerrada desde 01-04-2018
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Descripción del Premio
Following the success of the 4th edition held at the Palazzo Italia in Berlin on October 2016, we're now organising the 5th edition and are calling professional and amateur photographers from all over the world to submit their work for consideration of the Biennial Curators' Committee. The last edition showcased 1,200 photographs of 420 artists and had Steve McCurry as an special invitee exhibiting a retrospective of his works. This 5th edition will be held in Barcelona in October 2018 exhibiting works selected from the 10th and 11th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, the 9th, 10th and 11th Pollux Awards, and other Awards hosted by The Photography Gala Awards. With this call, free to enter, we want to expand the scope of this unique event giving an opportunity to photographers worldwide to exhibit their work in a multicultural city such as Barcelona. The Biennial will take place in several galleries in Barcelona, ... during the month of October 2018, with a central hub in the Gallery Valid Foto. Final venues will be announced shortly. The Biennial is also working in the feasibility of doing night projections of all works exhibited, in large screen in a public square in Barcelona during the Barcelona Gallery Week End on September 26-29.



Entrada actualizada el el 28 abr de 2018

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  • Sube y promociona eventos y exposiciones que hayas creado o en los que participes ¡Multiplicarás su visibilidad!
  • Podrás publicar (y también promocionar) hasta 100 obras tuyas o de tus artistas. ¡Conecta con tus clientes desde cada una de ellas!
  • Disfruta de acceso a todo el contenido PREMIUM y al Algoritmo ARTEINFORMADO (Ecosistema AI e Indice AI de Notoriedad de artistas iberoamericanos).
  • Mantendremos actualizada tu perfil o la de tus artistas. Además, podrás contactar con los gestores de otras.
28 nov de 2023 - 31 ago de 2024

Madrid, España

10 jul de 2024 - 29 sep de 2024

Museo de Pontevedra - Edificio Fernández López / Pontevedra, España

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Valle del Nansa / Santander, Cantabria, España

Exposición Online
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