Descripción del Premio
La Asociación Cultural Videobrasil y Sesc São Paulo anuncian la lista de 55 artistas y colectivos seleccionados para la 21a Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo Sesc_Videobrasil | Imagined Communities, una exposición y programa público de eventos dedicados a la producción del Sur Global, que se llevará a cabo desde el 9 de octubre de 2019 hasta el 2 de febrero de 2020 en Sesc 24 de Maio, en São Paulo.
At a ceremony held at Sesc 24 de Maio, the 21st Biennial of Contemporary Art Sesc_Videobrasil granted prizes to artists Aykan Safoglu (Turkey), Dana Awartani (Saudi Arabia), Gabriela Golder (Argentina), Nelson Makengo (Democratic Republic of the Congo), No Martins (Brazil), Roney Freitas & Isael Maxakali (Brazil), Omar Mismar (Lebanon), Thanh Hoang (Vietnam) and the collective Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas (Brazil).
The awards, which aim to recognize and stimulate the development of artists with thought-provoking works, were selected by the international jury composed by Alexia Atala (Chile), Gabi Ngoboc (South Africa), Marta Mestre (Portugal), Rosangela Rennó (Brazil) and Reem Fadda (Kuwait). They collectively analyzed works by the 55 artists who are featured in this edition. Invited by the biennial, artist Alexandre da Cunha created the trophy-sculpture, a polished metal sculpture recreating a coconut with a straw.
The 21st Biennial of Contemporary Art runs through February 2, 2020, at Sesc 24 de Maio, in São Paulo, Brazil, featuring more than 60 works, including videos, paintings, photographs and installations, as well as video programs, open classes, meetings and talks with artists and curators.
The following is a list of prizes and awarded artists:
State-of-the-Art Award - Electrica Cinema & Vídeo, granted to the best artist or group:
Gabriela Golder (Argentina), with the video installation Laboratorio de invención social (2018)
Sesc Contemporary Art Award, which included the awarded works in the Sesc Collection of Brazilian Art:
No Martins (Brazil), with the work #JáBasta (2019), acrylic on various fabrics
Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Vilas e Favelas - Aiano Bemfica, Camila Bastos, Cris Araújo and Pedro Maia de Brito, with the video Conte isso àqueles que dizem que fomos derrotados (2018)
Ostrovsky Family Fund (O.F.F.) Award, which awarded the most innovative moving image artwork:
Thanh Hoang (Vietnam) with the video Nikki's Here (2018)
Sharjah Art Foundation Residency Award
Nelson Makengo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) with the video E'ville (2018)
MMCA Residency Changdong Residency Award
Omar Mismar (Lebanon) with the video Schmitt, you and me (2016–2017)
Instituto Sacatar Residency Award
Dana Awartani (Saudi Arabia) with the installation I went away and forgot you. A while ago I remembered. I remembered I’d forgotten you. I was dreaming (2017)
Honorable mention
Aykan Safoglu (Turkey) with the video Off-White Tulips (2013)
Roney Freitas & Isael Maxakali (Brazil) with the video GRIN (2016)
Premio. 01 ene de 2019 - 31 mar de 2019 / São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Premio. 27 ene de 2025 - 10 mar de 2025 / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España
Exposición. 28 feb de 2025 - 08 jun de 2025 / Fundación Juan March / Madrid, España
Lo tienes que ver. La autonomía del color en el arte abstracto
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España