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Exposición / Ventana244 Art Space / 244 N 6th Street, Brooklyn NY11211 / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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14 oct de 2011 - 22 oct de 2011

14 oct de 2011

Organizada por:
Ventana244 Art Space

Artistas participantes:
Raúl Valverde
Video arte  Video arte en New York 


Descripción de la Exposición

Ventana244 Art Space presents the site specific exhibition 2010-2030, which includes a single piece by Raul Gomez Valverde entitled As an artist, I look for this kind of drama.


This work is a computer-generated simulation of the gallery, lit according to the solar trajectory of March 12, 2030, the day Gomez Valverde turns 50 and achieves 'his fulfillment as an artist.' From 2010 to 2030, he will develop a series of videos displaying how sunlight affects exhibition spaces -from sunrise to sunset-, on that specific date. Since the artist expects to live 100 years, the chosen day coincides also with the midpoint of his life.


Imágenes de la Exposición
Raúl Gómez, As and artist, I look for this kind of drama -ventana244-, 2011

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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