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18º Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo SESC_Videobrasil

Exposición / Associação Cultural Videobrasil [ESPACIO CERRADO] / Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina, 1150, Vila Leopoldina / São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
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06 nov de 2013 - 02 feb de 2014

06 nov de 2013

Comisariada por:
Solange Oliveira Farkas - Solange Farkas

Organizada por:
Associação Cultural Videobrasil


Descripción de la Exposición

At its 30th-anniversary edition in 2013, the International Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil becomes established as a landmark space for the dissemination and reflection on art from the geopolitical South of the world. Due from November 5, 2013, to February 2, 2014, the event includes the Southern Panoramas show-which will be part of a historical segment that will retrace the three decades of the Festival's history this year-and other public programs that make up a veritable arena for investigation on the themes and the directions taken by art produced in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Oceania, and Southeast Asia.


Open to all languages and formats, this edition of Southern Panoramas will feature pieces submitted during the call for entries (see shortlist below) and works from guest artists. The initiative further strengthens the propositions put forth by the board of curators, comprising Solange Farkas (Festival creator and Chief Curator), Eduardo de Jesus, Fernando Oliva, and Julia Rebouças.


Upon analyzing a universe of over two thousand projects submitted, and selecting roughly one hundred artists, the theme of otherness affirmed itself as a guiding concept-it is about investigating the power of the Other within the broad contemporary context, while suggesting at once distancing and approaching, and the curators have worked on both directions.


The concept unfolds into nuances such as new approaches to the nature-society clash; architecture and other spatialization experiences as regimes of representation; the geographical mobility that reinterprets territories and identities; the narrative disruptions that reveal the profound ambiguities of human conflicts; the memory in times of digital transit (and transitoriness); and two different aspects of image: the image that questions its own mediation as it rethinks the capturing mechanisms, and the radically media-oriented image of mass culture.


But this is just the first announcement from the 18th Festival. Details will be released soon about the board of curators and its project, the public programs that make up the Festival, the TV series that will air, guest artists, the trophy for the competitive show (traditionally an art object in and of itself), and much more. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date.


The shortlist of artists selected from the call for entries (below) spans thirty-two countries (nine in Latin America, seven in Africa, five in the Middle East, five in Southeast Asia, four in Eastern Europe, and two in Oceania). Projects include installations, video installations, drawings, sculptures, paintings, artist books, and videos.


See the shortlist of artists selected from the call for entries below:

Akram Zaatari, Lebanon

Alexandre Brandão, Brazil

Ali Cherri, Lebanon

Amanda Melo, Brazil

Ana Prata, Brazil

Andrew de Freitas, New Zealand

Ayrson Heráclito, Brazil

Bakary Diallo, Mali

Basir Mahmood, Pakistan

Bita Razavi, Iran

Bridget Walker, Australia

Caetano Dias, Brazil

Cão - group, Brazil

Carlos Guzmán, Colombia

Carlos Mélo, Brazil

Charly Nijensohn, Argentina

Chico Dantas, Brazil

Christian Bermudez, Costa Rica

Clarissa Tossin, Brazil

Claudia Joskowicz, Bolivia

Coletivo Madeirista, Brazil

Daniel Escobar, Brazil

Daniel Jacoby, Peru

Daniel Steegmann-Mangrané, Spain/Brazil

Dor Guez, Israel

Em'kal Eyongakpa, Camaroon

Eneida Sanches, Brazil

Enrique Ramírez, Chile

Ezra Wube, Ethiopia

Federico Lamas, Argentina

Fernão Paim, Brazil

Flávia Ribeiro, Brazil

Gabriel Mascaro, Brazil

Gabriel Torggler, Brazil

Gabriela Golder, Argentina

Gianfranco Foschino, Chile

Gregg Smith, South Africa

Gui Mohallem, Brazil

Gusztáv Hámos, Hungary

Haig Aivazian, Lebanon

Hou Chien Cheng, Taiwan

Ip Yuk-Yiu, China

Irineu Rocha da Cruz, Cabo Verde

Iván Marino and Aya Eliav - duo, Israel and Argentina

Jacinto Astiazarán, Mexico

Jeanno Gaussi, Afganistan

João Loureiro, Brazil

Lais Myrrha, Brazil

Laura Huertas Millan, Colombia

Lenora de Barros, Brazil

Letícia Ramos, Brazil

Lorraine Heller-Nicholas, Australi

Lucas Bambozzi, Brazil

LucFosther Diop, Camaroon

Luiz de Abreu, Brazil

Luiz Roque, Brazil

Mahardika Yudha, Indonesia

Mahmoud Khaled, Egypt

Marcellvs L., Brazil

Maria Klabin, Brazil

Mariana Xavier, Brazil

Maurício Arango, Colombia

Maya Watanabe, Peru

Michel Zózimo, Brazil

Morgan Wong, China

Nazareno Rodrigues, Brazil

Nurit Sharett, Israel

Olivia McGilchrist, Jamaica

Omar Salomão, Brazil

Orit Ben-Shitrit, Israel

Pablo Lobato, Brazil

Pedro Motta, Brazil

Rafael Carneiro, Brazil

Rehema Chachage, Tanzania

Roberto Bellini, Brazil

Roberto Winter, Brazil

Rodrigo Bivar, Brazil

Rodrigo Garcia Dutra, Brazil

Rodrigo Sassi, Brazil

Roy Dib, Lebanon

Sebastian Diaz Morales, Argentina

Sherman Ong, Malaysia

Soft turns (Olejnik & Gorlitz), Poland

Tales Bedeschi, Brazil

TaoHui, China

Tatewaki Nio, Japan/Brazil

Teresa Berlinck, Brazil

Tiago Romagnani Silveira, Brazil

Tiécoura N'Daou, Mali

Vijai Patchineelam, Brazil

Virgínia de Medeiros, Brazil

Viviane Teixeira, Brazil

Vygandas Simbelis, Lithuania

Zafer Topaloglu, Turkey


The Festival is an accomplishment by Associação Cultural Videobrasil and Sesc-SP


Imágenes de la Exposición
18. Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo SESC_Videobrasil

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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