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Inti Guerrero

Nació en 1983 en Bogotá, Distrito Especial de Bogotá, Colombia



Premios ganados
III Premio MARCO/FRAC Lorraine. Jóvenes Comisarios

Artistas comisariados
Cristina Lucas en: Light Years, 2011
Light Years, 2010
Light Years, 2009

No hay actividad VIGENTE

Arquitectura  Arte contemporáneo  Arte iberoamericano 


Descripción del Profesional del arte

Inti Guerrero (Bogotá, Colombia, 1983), es, actualmente, tutor del programa de Estudios Curatoriales en KASK, Gante. En junio de 2022, fue anunciado que, junto a Cosmin Costinas, será director artístico de la próxima XXIV Bienal de Sídney, que tendrá lugar del 9 de marzo al 10 de junio de 2024. Ha sido director artístico de la fundación filipina Bellas Artes Projects (BAP), con espacios en Manila y Bataán, desde julio de 2018 a 2022. Asimismo, es miembro del comité asesor de Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (Miami) y miembro del equipo curatorial del 44 Salón Nacional de Artistas. Ha sido curador adjunto de Arte Latinoamericano Estrellita B. Brodsky de la Tate Modern, de Londres, desde enero de 2016 a enero de 2019. Anteriormente, ha sido director artístico asociado de Fundación Ars TEOR/éTica, de San José (Costa Rica) desde enero de 2012 hasta noviembre de 2014. Realizó el Programa Curatorial del De Appel arts centre en los Países Bajos. Estudió Historia y Teoría del Arte y la Arquitectura en la Universidad de Los Andes en Colombia y en la Universidad de São Paulo en Brasil. Ha publicado en Art Nexus (Miami), Ramona (Buenos Aires), Manifesta Journal (Amsterdam) y Afterall (Londres). Su más recientes proyectos curatoriales incluyen: "A Chronicle of Interventions" y "Man Up!, en la Tate Modern de Londres; "A cidade do homem nu", en el Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo; "Flying Down to Earth", en MARCO, Vigo y FRAC Lorraine, en el Metz, y "Duet for Cannibals", en el Royal Tropical Institute, de Amsterdam. Como curador independiente también ha realizado exposiciones en Parasite en Hong Kong, Museo de Arte Moderno de São Paulo, el Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo en Madrid y el Museo Carrillo Gil en la Ciudad de México, entre otros. Ha co-curado las exhibiciones: "Eppur si muove", Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turín, 2009, y "Yo no soy esa…", Galería Santa Fe, Bogotá, 2005. En 2009 ganó el III Premio MARCO de Vigo/FRAC Lorraine. Jóvenes Comisarios. Links: A cidade do homem nu, en el MAM de Sao Paulo: Flying Down to Earth, en el MARCO, Vigo ( y el FRAC Lorraine de Metz ( Duet for Cannibals, en el Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam * 14 DECEMBER 2015 Tate appoints new Estrellita B. Brodsky Adjunct Curator of Latin American Art Tate is delighted to announce today that it has appointed Inti Guerrero (b. 1983, Bogotá, Colombia) as its new Estrellita B. Brodsky Adjunct Curator of Latin American Art, to focus on further developing the representation of art from Latin America in Tate’s collection. Inti Guerrero will take up the post formally on 4th January 2016 for a period of three years. This post forms part of a commitment to develop Tate’s knowledge and expertise in Latin American art and Guerrero will be the fourth such curator at Tate (following Cuauhtémoc Medina, Julieta González and José Roca), working with Tate’s Latin American Acquisitions Committee and in collaboration with curators at Tate. Until recently Associate Artistic Director and Curator at TEOR/éTica, an independent not-for-profit art space in San José, Costa Rica, Guerrero studied Art and Architecture History and Theory and General History at Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia and University of São Paulo in Brazil. He is also a former fellow of De Appel’s curatorial programme in the Netherlands. Guerrero has curated exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo-MAMSP, the Carrillo Gil Museum in Mexico City, the Museum of Art of Rio-MAR in Rio de Janeiro, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vigo, the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Torino and Para Site in Hong Kong, amongst other institutions in Latin America, as well as in Europe and Asia. In 2014 he co-curated, with Shoair Mavlian, the exhibition Chronicle of Interventions at Tate Modern’s Project Space, later traveling to TEOR/éTica. Currently he forms part of the curatorial team of Aún [Yet]the 44th Salón Nacional de Artistas, a major biennial exhibition that has taken place in Colombia since 1940. Ann Gallagher and Frances Morris, Directors of the Collection at Tate, said: “We look forward to welcoming Inti Guerrero to Tate. His expertise and experience will be hugely beneficial to deepening our knowledge of art from this region.” Inti Guerrero said: “I am honoured to have been selected to take up this post previously held by colleagues and curators whom I hold in great regard. I look forward to working closely with the Latin American Acquisitions Committee (LAAC) on expanding the scope of Tate’s approach to and understanding of Latin American art and on enriching the particularity and complexity of the institution’s collection. Since the early 2000s Tate has admirably pioneered the acquisition policies of contemporary art outside Western art canons, contributing to the establishment of a new mode of practice for international institutions.”

Exposiciones comisariadas
Rosa Rolanda, Untitled [Autophoto with sphere at Casa Luis Barragán, México City], ca. 1950-1955. Archivo Miguel y Rosa Covarrubias. © Rosa Rolanda. Fundación de Arquitectura Tapatía Luis Barragán - Casa Luis Barragán.

Entrada actualizada el el 06 jun de 2022

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