Descripción de la Exposición The project 'Sala de Exposicão' is made of two exhibition moments, dependent amongst themselves. 'Sala de exposicão - PR' (the first part) will be on display at Atelié Malhoa, in Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Goncalves, in Lisbon. One week later opens at Galeria Graca Brandão (also in Lisbon) the second part of the project. 'Sala de Exposicão' claims a very special link with the place of production. The design of the work as a whole and of every and each one of its parts in particular was determined by the place it claims and represents: the Exhibition Room at the former building of Fábrica de Plásticos Simala, in Leiria. This room is part of the new factory offices built in the early 70s. It is the first room on the left, a room with 21,8 square meters, the walls painted green and a plastic wall panelling 115cm high; on the wall on the left when entering the room, wide windows take most of the space; the ceiling has been painted white; on the walls opposite the door and on its right, a two shelves display case has been assembled and on this structure is shown an array of objects manufactured at the old factory. The first exhibition space, Atelié Malhoa, was once also the studio and workplace of an artist, and one who claimed in his practice a strong bond with the real as material of transformation in art, as relationship with the other and in detriment of a contemplative symbolism. The second space is a commercial art gallery, a place at once neutral and capable of hosting a diverse range of proposals. This is a project that summons and brings together two spaces of such different nature and simultaneously so close, linked by the work they host, itself developed in representation of the Sala de Exposicão at Fábrica de Plásticos Simala, now converted in Nuno Sousa Vieira' studio.
Premio. 27 ene de 2025 - 10 mar de 2025 / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España
Exposición. 26 feb de 2025 - 01 sep de 2025 / Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España