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Wind in Mind

Premios / Dotación:

Premio Primer premio: 1.000 Euros en un vale de Amazon. Otros 5 premios en vales de 250 Euros cada uno.

23 ene de 2012 - 06 may de 2012

Brussels, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Bélgica

Cerrada desde 06-05-2012

Organizada por:
The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)



Descripción del Premio

En la antesala al Global Wind Day (día mundial del viento) el 15 de junio -el día anual que promueve la energía del viento en el mundo- los fotógrafos están invitados a dejar volar su imaginación y mostrar la tecnología de energía eólica de un nuevo modo, en línea con el título de la competición, Wind in Mind . Los seis ganadores, que recibirán un vale de 1.000 euros de Amazon o uno de los cinco vales de 250 euros, serán elegidos por un jurado de expertos y se anunciarán poco después, en el Global Wind Day. Todas las imágenes ganadoras se mostrarán fuera del área de la UE de Bruselas. La foto ganadora formará también parte de una colección de fotografía profesional online,, y se publicará en el periódico de energía renovable Recharge [ ] y en la revista de la industria de energía eólica europea Wind Directions [ ].



In the run-up to Global Wind Day on 15 June - the annual day promoting the power of the wind around the world - photographers are invited to let their imaginations take the lead and show wind energy technology in a new way, in line with the competition title, 'Wind in Mind'.


The six winners, who will receive a euros 1,000 Amazon voucher or one of five euros 250 vouchers, will be chosen by an expert jury and announced on Global Wind Day 15 June. All the winning pictures will be displayed outdoors in the EU area of Brussels.


The overall winning photo will also become part of an online professional photography collection,, and be published in renewable energy newspaper 'Recharge' and in the European wind energy industry magazine Wind Directions.


'I can't think of a better subject for a contemporary photo competition than wind energy,' said Julian Scola, Communication Director of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), organisers of the Global Wind Day alongside the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). 'Wind turbines are an icon: symbols of the fight against climate change, of sustainability, of our modern age. While some people noisily oppose wind turbines there are many others who love them and find them a graceful addition to our landscape'.


Lauha Fried, Communications Director at GWEC, highlighted the global nature of the competition: 'Wind power is an essential source of clean energy in over 80 countries today - we'd like to see photos taken from all around the world and encourage everyone to participate by sending us your best shots. A new feature for this year's edition is the continental subcategory where a winner will be chosen for each continent'.


The Judges


The judges for the competition are professional photographers and art directors.


Mark Edwards runs the Hard Rain Project, which supports public exhibitions and other communications that campaign for realistic solutions to the interlinked problems of climate change, poverty, the wasteful use of resources, population expansion, habitat destruction and species loss. The winning photo of Wind in Mind will be have a permanent place in the online photo archive at


Michal Fattal is a freelance photojournalist, based in Jerusalem, Israel. Her work has been published in media such as New York Times, Time Magazine, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Berliner Zeitung, Profil, Frankfurter Rundschau, Newsweek, La Razon, Herald Tribune, View Magazine, Brigitte, Gurdian and Foreign Policy, among others. Her work can be seen at


Erik Luntang is a photojournalist with Inspririt, based in Belgium. He has more than 20 years of experience working with international news-agencies, newspapers and magazines.


Simon Bogle is the Art director of Recharge, the renewable energy newspaper that will print the winning photograph from the competition.


Terms and Conditions


The competition is open until 6 May 20:00 GMT.


Entries will be accepted from now. This competition is open to participants from any country. Participants must be at least 18 years old at time of entry. There is no entry fee, and each participant can submit a maximum of three images to this contest. EWEA/GWEC/Recharge employees are not eligible to takepart in the competition, nor are their relatives or members of their families.


Technical Requirements


Digital editing is acceptable provided the look and style of the photo remain natural. EWEA has the right to reject any image considered excessively digitally altered. HDR images and stitched panoramas are allowed.


Uploaded photos must have a minimum of 2000 pixel width or height.


Files for upload must be larger than 1 MB and less than 10 MB.


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