Premios / Dotación:
Descripción del Premio ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
La DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) de Washington, tiene abierto el plazo de presentación de candidaturas hasta el próximo 16 de septiembre, para todos aquellos comisarios que deseen presentar un proyecto para participar en su certamen internacional 5x5 Temporary Public Art Project . Entre todas las candidaturas recibidas se seleccionarán a cinco comisarios que a su vez deberán seleccionar a cinco artistas para que desarrollen y ejecuten proyectos de arte público en la ciudad de Washington DC la próxima primavera. La DCCAH ha asignado hasta 100.000 Dólares por comisario, que incluye los honorarios del comisario -que son 1.000 Dólares-, los honorarios de los cinco artistas, así como el diseño, fabricación, instalación y desinstalación de los cinco sitios. Los cinco comisarios seleccionados se encargarán de conducir el proceso de implementación de 5x5 y de gestionar y supervisar el concepto de cada artista (s), presupuesto (s) y horario (s). Fondos adicionales para el reembolso de los gastos de viaje estarán disponibles, según sea necesario. DCCAH proporcionará los permisos del sitio, marketing, gestión de eventos, publicidad y coordinación general del proyecto. Comisarios seleccionados se les anima a promover el proyecto de 5x5 dentro de sus redes artísticas, profesionales y sociales.
5x5, DCCAH's new temporary public art project, will result in twenty-five groundbreaking temporary public art installations that will be installed concurrently throughout the District of Columbia. DCCAH is seeking five highly-experienced and innovative contemporary art curators to select and work with five artists each to develop and present exciting, temporary art works in public spaces throughout the District of Columbia. The resulting twenty-five projects will activate and enliven publicly accessible spaces and add an ephemeral layer of creativity and artistic expression to neighborhoods across the District.
All media and art forms will be considered, including, but not limited to visual art, performance, light, digital, projection, and event-based work. Installations can be of any duration, but may not exceed 4 months.
5x5 Goals
The successful curatorial candidates will ensure that the following goals of the project are met:? to creatively activate spaces and sites to attract residents and visitors to explore within and beyond the monumental core.
. to showcase works of art that are innovative and engage the viewers in dynamic, interactive, and creative ways.
. to create opportunities for artists to experiment with approaches not possible through permanent public art commissions.. to build relationships with local residents, galleries, and cultural institutions.
. to create an environment in which the works of local, regional, national and international artists merge to reflect the character and identity of the city.
. to promote the creative profile of Washington, DC to the nation and the world.
The competition is open to all professional curators or curatorial organizations with site-specific and/or temporary public art experience; however preference will be given to curators who reside in the District of Columbia and curators who include DC-based artists.
Selection Process
The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH) seeks qualifications from curators or curatorial organizations with significant curatorial experience in the identification, design, fabrication and installation of temporary public art installations. DCCAH?s selection committee, representing diverse interests and expertise, will review all submitted applications and, based on the Evaluation Criteria listed below, select eight to ten semi-finalists. Each semi-finalist will be awarded an honorarium of up to $1,000.00 to create a proposal that outlines their curatorial approach and vision for the five installations. Semi-finalists will be given a list of sites to choose from in preparing the proposal (see Sites below).
DCCAH is currently securing sites for the 5x5 Temporary Public Art Project through its partnerships with private property owners and other District and Federal agencies such as the National Park Service (NPS), DC Office of Planning (OP), National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The selected sites may or may not be owned by the District government. DCCAH is also open to sites proposed by the selected curators.
Currently, DCCAH has allocated up to $100,000 per curator, which includes the curator?s fees, fees for the five artists, as well as the design, fabrication, installation and de-installation of the five sites. The five selected curators will lead the 5x5 implementation process and will manage and oversee each artist?s concept(s), budget(s), and schedule(s). Additional funds for reimbursement of travel expenses will be available, as needed.
DCCAH will provide site permits, marketing, events management, publicity, and overall project coordination. Selected curators are encouraged to promote the 5x5 project within their artistic, professional and social networks.
Calendar and Timeline
It is the goal of DCCAH to have each temporary public art installation unveiled to the public on the same day during the 2012 National Cherry Blossom Festival Centennial. The Centennial will be a 5-week festival, from March 20 - April 27, 2012. An unveiling date for the 5x5 installations will be determined in late September.
August 3, 2011 - Issue 5x5 Call to Curators
September 16, 2011 Deadline for 5x5 Call for Curators
September 30, 2011 - Notification and Announcement of Semi-Finalists
Early November 2011 - Semi-Finalists Proposals due
Early December 2011 - Announcement of the Five Selected Curators
Late March 2012 - Installation of the twenty-five groundbreaking temporary public art installations
Exposición. 18 feb de 2025 - 15 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España