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Chemi Rosado-Seijo

Nació en 1973 en Vega Alta, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico



Premios ganados
Soros Arts Fellowship 2023

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Frieze Nueva York 2019

Organizaciones con obra

Daros Latinamerica Collection

Daros Latinamerica Collection

El Depósito en Caguas - Colección Hernández Castrodad

El Depósito en Caguas - Colección Hernández Castrodad

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico (MAC)

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico (MAC)

Arte conceptual  Arte contemporáneo 


Descripción del Artista

Seijo ha participado en numerosas exposiciones y bienales entre ellas la Whitney (2002), Praga (2005), Habana (2006), y Pontevedra (2010). Además, sus obras se encuentran en colecciones de primer nivel internacional en arte latinoamericano como la Daros-Latinamerica Collection, en Zúrich y Río de Janeiro. BIO (English) Born in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico, Chemi Rosado-Seijo graduated from the painting department of the Puerto Rico School of Visual Arts in 1997. In 1998, he worked with Michy Marxuach to open a gallery that transformed into a not-for-profit organization presenting resources and exhibitions for contemporary artists in Puerto Rico. In 2000, Rosado had his first solo show at the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona, including interventions on billboards around the city. Since 2002, he has worked with residents of the El Cerro community, a poor neighborhood south of San Juan, to present public art projects, workshops and other community initiatives. In 2006, he inaugurated La Perla’s Bowl, a sculpture built with residents of San Juan’s La Perla community that functions as both a skateboarding ramp and an actual pool. Since 2009, Rosado-Seijo has been organizing exhibitions in his apartment in Santurce, creating a center for meeting and exchange in the Puerto Rican contemporary art scene. STATEMENT (English) My work consists of community-based interventions linked to and suggestive of the site where they have been developed. Mostly, it reflects my interest in socially engaged art and collaborations by juxtaposing architecture with the urban landscape, art with social action, and art with its history. Often my art works, projects or interventions are set and/or developed on the communities that have inspired said works, projects or interventions. This, in turn, aims to involve the people living in the communities with the actual (art)project. This “interweaving” of the communities that have inspired my work intends to pay homage to the people and the site where they have formed their communities. Likewise, my work aspires to exalt and/or draw attention to the already existing beauty of the site through the creation and depiction of a hyperreality that would bring together people from different social classes with one another, bureaucratic institutions and cultural agencies with those whom they are supposed to serve and/or affect, and those who otherwise wouldn’t come together.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
Chemi Rosado-Seijo — Cortesía de Galería Embajada
G Orwell

Entrada actualizada el el 30 oct de 2023

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