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Bouchra Khalili

Artista, Comisario
Nació en 1975 en Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Marruecos



Profesionales que le han comisariado
Cèlia del Diego Thomas en: Wet Feet, 2012
Elvira Dyangani Ose en: Bouchra Khalili. Entre círculos y constelaciones, 2023
Hiuwai Chu en: Bouchra Khalili. Entre círculos y constelaciones, 2023

Premios ganados
XII Hugo Boss Prize 2018

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
ARCOmadrid 2024
ARCOmadrid 2015

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

ADN Galeria

ADN Galeria

mor charpentier

mor charpentier

Organizaciones con obra

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Colección de Arte Contemporáneo Fundació

Colección de Arte Contemporáneo Fundació "la caixa"

Es Baluard Museu d'Art Contemporani de Palma

Es Baluard Museu d'Art Contemporani de Palma

Profesionales con obra

Alain Servais

Alain Servais

Sandra Hegedüs

Sandra Hegedüs

Arte contemporáneo  Arte Político  Artes gráficas  Fotografía  Instalacion  Video arte 


Descripción del Artista

Bouchra Khalili es una artista franco-marroquí. Nacida en Casablanca, cursó sus estudios de cine en la Sorbonne de París y Artes visuales en l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris-Clergy. Vive y trabaja en Berlín y Oslo. Khalili trabaja con películas, videos, instalaciones, fotografías y impresiones; sus producciones articulan lenguaje, subjetividad, oralidad y exploraciones geográficas. En cada uno de sus proyectos, Khalili investiga estrategias y diálogos de resistencia elaborados, desarrollados y expresados por individuos; a menudo pertenecientes a minorías políticas. El trabajo de Khalili se ha expuesto ampliamente a nivel internacional. Sus últimas intervenciones se han registrado en la Documenta 14 (2017) con el proyecto "The Tempest Society"; "The Mapping Journey Project", una exposición individual en el MoMa (Museum of Modern Art) de Nueva York (2016); "Foreign Office", una exposición individual en el Palais de Tokyo, París (2015); "Garden Conversation", una exposición individual en el MACBA, Barcelona (2015); la 8th Göteborg Biennale (2015); y otras como "Europe: The Future of History", Kunsthaus, Zúrich (2015); "Here & Elsewhere", New Museum, Nueva York (2014); "Positions", Vanabbe Museum (2014); "The Opposite of the Voice- Over", exposición individual en el Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Toronto, Canadà (2013); "The Encyclopedic Palace", Exhibición internacional de la 55a Bienal de Venecia (2013); "Living Labour", exposición individual en el PAMM, Miami (2013); "Bouchra Khalili", exposición individual en la DAAD Galerie, Berlín (2013); "Intense Proximity: La Triennale", Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2012); 18th Bienal de Sydney (2012); o la 10a edición de la Bienal de Sharjah (2011); entre otros. Bouchra Khalili fue la beneficiaria del "Radcliffe Institute Fellowship" de la Harvard University (2017-2018); "Abraaj Group Art Prize", (2014); "Sam Art Prize 2013-2015", Sam Art Projects, Paris; "DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program" (2012); "Vera List Center for Art and Politics Fellowship" (The New School, Nueva York, 2011-2013); "Villa Médicis Hors-les Murs" (2010); "Videobrasil Residency Award" (2009); "Image-Mouvement Grant" (French National Centre for the Arts, 2008); "Louis Lumière Award" (Film Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Francia, 2005). Khalili es también profesora de Arte Contemporáneo en la National Art Academy de Oslo, fundadora de La Cinémathèque de Tanger, una organización de artistas sin ánimo de lucro en Tánger, Marruecos. ... Bouchra Khalili (born 1975 in Casablanca) is a Moroccan-French visual artist. Raised between Morocco and France, she studied Film at Sorbonne Nouvelle and Fine Arts at École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris-Cergy. She lives in Berlin. Working with film, video, installation, photography, and prints, Khalili's practice articulates language, subjectivity, orality, and geographical explorations. She often retools the aesthetic strategies of documentary cinema to focus on historical speculation and the representation of subjects rendered invisible by the nation-state. Each of her projects can be seen as a platform offered to members of political minority to elaborate, narrate, and share strategies and discourses of resistance. Her artwork focuses on personal storytelling that touches harsh politics, developing critical and ethical approaches to question citizenship, community and political agency. She meets her targeted art subjects along her journey across the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, in sites of transit and accordingly conducts a series of meetings and preliminary conversations as she films them and collects her necessary data. By including the subjects in her artwork it gives a more sensitive human touch, portraying real life stories and hardships, where then audiences can relate to and stand in solidarity, making the experience more intimate and personal. In most of her work, the subjects aren’t necessarily seen but they aren’t voiceless either; they are articulated and decisively heard, speaking in their own tongue language, adding therefore that human touch without evading their privacy and discomfort. Her work doesn’t rely on the vulgar, bloody representation of suffering bodies, charged images, and ambient montages to create an affect, but rather on specific filming techniques and fixed frames in addition to the frame of spoken language itself. Accordingly, with precision and subtlety, her projects challenge hegemonic narratives about migration and statelessness, as well as the violence they engender and normalize, while also pressing contemporary documentary practice forward, both ethically and aesthetically. “Khalili’s documentary practice, in its incisive and exacting seriousness, can seem at once oddly traditional and, because of this, unique amid the aesthetically experimental and sometimes emotionally manipulative work that can befall the politically motivated documentary impulse.” Exhibitions Khalili's work has been internationally exhibited such as at "The Mapping Journey Project" solo show at MoMA, New York (2016); “Foreign Office”, solo show at Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2015); “Garden Conversation”, solo show at MACBA, Barcelona (2015); "Here & Elsewhere", New Museum, New York (2014); "The Opposite of the Voice-Over", solo show at Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Toronto (2013); "The Encyclopedic Palace", 55th Venice Biennale (2013); "Living Labour", solo show at PAMM, Miami (2013); "La Triennale", Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2012); 18th Biennale of Sydney (2012); and 10th Sharjah Biennial (2011); among others. Awards: She was the recipient of " Radcliffe Institute Fellowship", Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University (2017-2018); "Abraaj Group Art Prize”, (2014)";[13] "Sam Art Prize 2013-2015", Sam Art Projects, Paris;[14] "DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program" (2012);[15] "Vera List Center for Arts and Politics Fellowship" (The New School, New York, 2011-2013);[16] "Villa Médicis Hors-les Murs" (2010); "Videobrasil Residency Award" (2009);[17] "Image-Mouvement Grant" (French National Centre for the Arts, 2008); "Louis Lumière Documentary Award" (Film Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France, 2005).

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Exposiciones comisariadas
ARCOmadrid 2023

Entrada actualizada el el 29 nov de 2023

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