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Eli Cortiñas

Nació en 1979 en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, España



Profesionales que le han comisariado
Alejandro Vitaubet González en: ¿Qué hay de frutas tropicales en tiempos neoliberales? / What about tropical delights in neoliberal times?, 2015
Benedikt Johannes Seerieder en: The Body is The House, The House is But Haunted, 2022
Carolina Jiménez en: Walls Have Feelings (and They Are Not Afraid to Speak), 2019

Premios ganados
XXVI Becas Fundación Botín de Artes Plásticas 2018/2019
Artist in Residence Villa Sträuli 2017
Artist Grant Kunstfonds

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
ARCOmadrid 2020
Art París Art Fair 2019
art berlin 2017

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Galería Saro León

Galería Saro León

Galerie Michael Wiesehöfer

Galerie Michael Wiesehöfer

House Of Chappaz (antes Espai Tactel)

House Of Chappaz (antes Espai Tactel)

Organizaciones con obra

Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM)

Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM)

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS)

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS)

No hay actividad VIGENTE

Video arte 

Documentos relacionados
pdf CV

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Descripción del Artista

Eli Cortiñas (click here for full biography/CV), born 1979 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, lives and works in Berlin. A large part of Cortiñas‘ practice revolves around the idea of challenging cinematic memory through analysing and re-editing pre-existing footage, or her own material. Disrupting and re-structuring narrative flows, she creates shifts of meaning (No Place Like Home, 2006). This method of ‚editing as writing‘ generates a mixed feeling of both identification and alienation. In her videos, as well as in her collages and object arrangements, Eli Cortiñas creates an ambiguous and affirmative transparency – unveiling the role plays of a generation vaunted in the media as ‘lost’. Eli Cortiñas studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne and at the European Film College Ebeltoft, Denmark. Selected solo exhibitions include Always bite the hand that feeds you at Convent Space for Contemporary Art, Ghent (2017), Five Easy Pieces and Some Words of Wisdom at Soy Capitán, Berlin (2015), Awkward Studies and a Decent Take on Serious Matters at Rokeby, London (2013), Love Is Worn Around The Neck, curated by Veit Loers at Kunstraum Innsbruck (2012). Her work was part of several group exhibitions, such as Film Footage Fotografie. Bildnerische Augenblicke mit filmischen Bezügen, Museum for Photographie Braunschweig (2017), 10 Emerging Artists. Contemporary Experimental Films and Video Art from Germany, Goethe Institute Canada (2017), Double Feature, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (2017), Les Rencontres Internationales at Centre Pompidou, Paris (2011). Eli Cortiñas has been awarded with grants and fellowships from Berliner Senat (2017), Villa Sträuli (2017), Villa Massimo Rome (2014), Marianna Ingenwerth-Stiftung grant for residency at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo La Regenta (2013), Shortlist Award for young Film Art, Freunde der Neuen Nationalgalerie und Deutscher Filmakademie (2011), et al. Catalogues Eli Cortiñas – What About Tropical Delights in Neoliberal Times? [exhibition catalogue, Centro de Arte La Regenta, Centro Átlantico de Arte Moderno, Sala San Antonio Abad], Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2015. WIN/WIN [exhibition catalogue, EG Null – Raum für junge Kunst der Generali Deutschland, 2015], Bielefeld and Berlin 2015. Liebe [exhibition catalogue, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 2014], Bielefeld 2014. Press Decoding the Male Gaze and Colonialism in Classic Cinema, AnOther Magazine, 11/2016, by Charlotte Janssen. Eli Cortiñas – Eine Nacht im Martin Gropius Bau, ARTberlin, 02/2015, by Katrin Schirner. Review of Neither Glance Nor Glory, Der Freitag, 12/2012, by Elke Stefanie Inders. Review of Street girls bringing sailors in must pay in advance, Monopol, 08/2011. Review of Street girls bringing sailors in must pay in advance, Kunstforum International, 212/2011, by Annelie Pohlen. Dial M for Mother, Deutsche Welle, 04/2009, by Daniel Müller. Feature on Eli Cortiñas, BLAU Kunstmagazin, 11/2016, Nr. 16, by Swantje Karich (PDF upon request). Interviews Independet Collectors Interview, 2017, with Julia Rosenbaum. Artdependence Interview, 02/2017, with Alna Pomar. Conversation, Museumsfernsehen, 05/2017, with Maria Sitte. Fadwebsite Interview, 05/2013, with Yvette Greslé. Der Freitag Interview, 01/2013, with Elke Stefanie Inders.

Galería de Obra de Eli Cortiñas (5 Obras)

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Videos del Artista (1)

Imágenes del Artista
The Most Given Of Givens, 3 channel video, 2016

Entrada actualizada el el 08 ene de 2024

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