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Lucy Lippard

Comisario, Crítico/Periodista
Nació en 1937 en Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos



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Activismo  Arte conceptual  Arte contemporáneo  Arte feminista  Arte Político 

Descripción del Profesional del arte

Lucy Lippard (Nueva York, 1937) es una escritora internacionalmente conocida, crítica de arte, activista y curator de los Estados Unidos. Lippard es una de las primeras escritoras en reconocer la obra "desmaterializada" en el arte conceptual y una de las primeras historiadora del arte feminista. Es la autora de 21 libros da arte contemporáneo y ha recibido numerosos premios y reconocimientos de arte y crítica literaria. Lippard nació en Ciudad de Nueva York y vivido en Nueva Orleans y Charlottesville (Virginia), antes de matricularse en la Abbot Academy en 1952. Después de graduarse en el Smith College trabajó con American Friends Service Committee en una ciudad mexicana, su primera experiencia en el extranjero. En 1962 finalizó un Master en historia de arte en el Instituto de Bellas Artes de Universidad de Nueva York. Desde 1966, Lippard ha publicado 21 libros que se incluyen una novela, además de ensayos sobre feminismo, arte y política.​ Ha recibido numerosos premios y reconocimientos de críticos literarios asociaciones de arte. En 2012 realizó la exposición de su libro seminal, Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object en el Museo de Brooklyn, llamada "Seis Años": Lucy R. Lippard y la Aparición del Arte Conceptual". Su investigación hacia la "desmaterialización" en el arte ha supuesto un referente en la comprensión del arte contemporáneo. Ha comisariado más de 50 Exposiciones, ha realizado performance, comics, "guerrilla theatre" y editado publicaciones independientes, la última "La Puente de Galisteo" en su comunidad en Galisteo, Nuevo México. Ha mezclado la estética con la política y activismo étnico. Bio (english) Lucy Lippard (born 1937) is an internationally known writer, art critic, activist and curator from the United States. Lippard was among the first writers to recognize the "dematerialization" at work in conceptual art and was an early champion of feminist art. She is the author of 21 books on contemporary art and has received numerous awards and accolades from literary critics and art associations. Lucy Lippard was born in New York City and lived in New Orleans and Charlottesville, Virginia, before enrolling at Abbot Academy in 1952. After earning a B.A. degree from Smith College, she worked with the American Friends Service Committee in a Mexican village—her first experience outside the United States. In 1962 she earned an M.A. degree in art history from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University. Since 1966, Lippard has published 21 books—including one novel—on feminism, art, politics and place. She has received numerous awards and accolades from literary critics and art associations. A 2012 exhibition on her seminal book, Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object at the Brooklyn Museum, titled "Six Years": Lucy R. Lippard and the Emergence of Conceptual Art", cites Lippard's scholarship as its point of entry into a discussion about conceptual art during its era of emergence, demonstrating her crucial role in the contemporary understanding of this period of art production and criticism. Her research on the move toward Dematerialization in art making has formed a cornerstone of contemporary art scholarship and discourse. Lucy Lippard was a member of the populist political artist group known as the Art Workers Coalition, or AWC. Her involvement in the AWC as well as a trip she took to Argentina—such trips bolstered the political motivations of many feminists of the time—influenced a change in the focus of her criticism, from formalist subjects to more feministic ones. Co-founder of Printed Matter, Inc (an art bookstore in New York City centered on artist's books), the Heresies Collective, Political Art Documentation/Distribution (PAD/D), Artists Call Against U.S. Intervention in Central America, and other artists' organizations, she has also curated over 50 exhibitions, done performances, comics, guerrilla theater, and edited several independent publications the latest of which is the decidedly local La Puente de Galisteo in her home community in Galisteo, New Mexico. She has infused aesthetics with politics, and disdained disinterestedness for ethical activism.

Entrada actualizada el el 22 dic de 2017

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