Descripción del Profesional del arte
José Luis Blondet es Curador de Proyectos Especiales del LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) donde ha organizado muestras como Maria Nordman: Film-Room Smoke, 1967- Present (2011), Brújula para exploradores (paisaje americano en el siglo XIX) (2013), Varios Pequeños Incendios (2015) y Liz Glynn: El mito de la singularidad (2016). Blondet también programa y comisiona proyectos de teatro y performance para el museo a artistas como Machine Project, Rachel Mason, Emily Mast, Asher Hartman, Guy de Cointent, entre otros. Anteriormente, Blondet trabajó para el Boston Center for the Arts y el Dia Art Foundation, en Nueva York. En Caracas, Blondet fue profesor de la Escuela de Letras de la Universidad Central de Venezuela y trabajó en el Museo de Bellas Artes hasta el año 2001, cuando partió a Nueva York al programa curatorial de Bard College gracias a una beca de la Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros.
Bio (english)
Jose Luis Blondet is the curator for special initiatives at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Prior to moving to Los Angeles in 2010, Blondet was the curator at the Boston Center for the Arts, where he organized exhibitions and projects with artists such as Liliana Porter, Vasco Araujo, Helen Mirra, and Andrew Witkin, among others. From 2003 to 2007, Blondet worked at the Dia Art Foundation, New York, where he developed education and public programs for Dia: Beacon. In 2010, he co-organized with Gabriela Rangel the exhibition Marta Minujin: Minucodes at Americas Society. At LACMA, he has presented performance art projects by Cindy Bernard, Fallen Fruit, Guy de Cointet, among others. In 2011, he co-organized the exhibition MARIA NORDMAN: FILMROOM SMOKE, 1967- PRESENT, as part of the Pacific Standard Time initiative.
Since 2005, Blondet has performed in Joan Jonas’s The Shape, The Scent, The Feel of Things, commissioned by Dia and subsequently presented at In Transit Performance Festival (Berlin, 2008), Staatstheater Stuttgart (2009), Sao Paolo Biennial (2009) and the University of Texas (2012). He has written articles and essays on art and literature that have been published in Madrid, Mexico, Costa Rica, Caracas, and New York. He is the author of two books: MBA, Obra Reciente (Caracas, 2000) and Sastre (Caracas, 2001), a collection of poetry.
In Caracas, Venezuela, Blondet was the director of education of the Museum of Fine Arts, and adjunct professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela until 2001. In 2003, he completed his degree in curatorial studies at Bard College, New York, thanks to a fellowship from the Fundación Cisneros/Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros.
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Grandes Eventos, 21 nov de 2017
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